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Repenser les politiques publiques : pratiques inspirantes

Mon statut pour la session

Regular session
17:30, Samedi 14 Déc 2019 (2 heures 30 minutes)
Pause   06:30 PM à 07:00 PM (30 minutes)
Lunch   08:00 PM à 09:00 PM (1 heure)
public policiesreconceptualization
Comment les politiques publiques, dans la prise en charge de témoins de la mémoire ou de l’expérience collective, peuvent-elles surpasser le principe d’exclusion qui prévaut aux pratiques et aux politiques patrimoniales actuelles ?

Cette session veut envisager la conjugaison de ces notions de patrimoine dans des politiques publiques uniformisées en examinant tout particulièrement des pratiques inspirantes.

Dr Lucas Lixinski


Sous sessions

17:30 - 18:00 | 30 minutes

Colonial heritage and industrial heritage are two of the most frequently-researched themes in the field of heritage studies. Yet people hardly reflect on the interrelationship between these two heritage themes and tend to examine those currently successful cities, which actually overlook some typical, interesting and inspiring cases. Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province, China, is exactly one of these overlooked cities. Harbin was not a human settlement until the ear...

Wenzhuo Zhang

18:00 - 18:30 | 30 minutes
reconceptualizationpublic policies

This paper examines how alternative heritage discourses and practices are produced in marginalized communities in Chile. Focusing on three heritage sites, the author will explore how people subjected to the governance of authorized heritage are also active agents that use heritage in multiple ways. Through their memorialization and preservation practices, they destabilize the normalized relations between communities and cultural authorities, exercising their right to citizenship and inclus...

Magdalena Novoa

19:00 - 19:30 | 30 minutes
reconceptualizationpublic policies

Through a case study of the indigenous Ainu's practice of their intangible heritage (listed in UNESCO as upopo and rimse) in Japan, this paper will offer an alternative paradigm on heritage production that simultaneously traverses and unsettles binaries of authority and disempowered, authenticity and change, global and local, producer and consumer, discourse and practice, East and West. The Ainu and their traditional performances are strategica...

Roslynn Ang

19:30 - 20:00 | 30 minutes

In this paper, I examine memory’s relation to history and heritage, and its socio-cultural and political roles as portrayed within memorial spaces and sites of memory, drawing on theoretical insights from Connerton, Halbwachs, Hirsch, Nora, Ricoeur and Winter, among others. By exploring the architectural composition, curatorial, educational and ritual practices at the Australian War Memorial, I highlight the complex ways in which forms of remembrance are articulated to Australian and Int...

Patrick Bailey


Mon statut pour la session
