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Film Series Celebration : Sugar Shack Event

Mon statut pour la session

18:00, Lundi 6 Juin 2016 (1 heure)
Festive Event
To celebrate our film series dedicated to heritage, sponsored by the Department of American Studies at the University of Maryland and the United States Chapter of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, this event will spotlight the iconic Sugar Shack, which is rooted from Quebec to New-England and which is both the place of maple syrup production and of friendly gatherings during the maple syrup season. In a festive atmosphere, delegates will be invited to taste one of the essential of the Sugar Shack menu: maple taffy on snow.
Afin de célébrer notre cycle de films dédié au patrimoine, soutenu par le Département d’études américaines de l’Université du Maryland et du chapitre étasunien de l’ACHS, cet évènement mettra à l’honneur l’emblématique cabane à sucre qui prend racine du Québec jusqu’à la Nouvelle-Angleterre et qui est à la fois le lieu de production du sirop d’érable et de réunions conviviales durant le temps des sucre. Les participants seront invités, dans une ambiance festive, à déguster l’un des incontournables du repas de la cabane à sucre: la tire d’érable sur neige.
The Film Festival is sponsored by the Department of American Studies of the University of Maryland and the Association of Critical Heritage Studies United States Chapter

Personnes inscrites

Yaryna Yuryk
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Dr. April Liu
UBC Museum of Anthropology
Thomas Renard
université de Nantes
t s Beall
Artist and Collaborative Doctoral Award recipient
University of Glasgow and The Riverside Museum, Glasgow Museums
Dr Suzie Thomas FSA
University Lecturer
University of Helsinki
Dr. Stephanie Doyle-Lerat
université de Nantes
Sahar Khoshnood
PhD Candidate at Graduate School of Urban Studies (URBANgrad)
TU Darmstadt
Nataliya Bezborodova
Research Assistant
University of Alberta
Nan Kim
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Marina Calvo
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense/ Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Lisa Rogers
Deakin University
Kathryn Sampeck
Illinois State University
Dr Karine Peyronnie
Chargée de recherche
Institut de recherche pour le Développement (IRD), UMR PRODIG
Julie Pasquer-Jeanne
PhD Student
Équipe Culture et Communication Centre Norbert Elias (Université d'Avignon)
Jean-Thierry Julia
LERASS/ Univ. de Toulouse
Emmanuelle Lambert
LERASS/ Univ. de Toulouse
Eman Shokry Hesham
PhD Candidate
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus- Senftenberg, Germany
Dr Céline Verguet
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
Candace Iron
Professor of Arts & Humanities; Program Coordinator - Liberal Studies
Humber College
Dr. A. Güliz Bilgin Altınöz
Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University
Dr Sarah May
Institute of Archaeology UCL
Dr. Cynthia Scott
Independent Historian and Heritage Scholar
Laurier Turgeon
Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine ethnologique
Université Laval
Mme Karine Laviolette
Ministère de la Culture et des Communications
Rebecca Sciarra
Cultural Heritage Specialist and Manager of Business Development
Dr Celmara Pocock
Senior Lecturer, Anthropology
University of Southern Queensland
Dr Yiping Dong
Department of Architecture, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Mehdi Ghafouri
Professor of Humanities-Heritage Architect
Vanier College
Ms. Corinna Moebius
Doctoral Candidate/Graduate Teaching Assistant
Florida International University
CMW, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne
Marina Svensson
Lund University
Dr Banu Pekol
Asst. Professor
Ozyegin University, Faculty of Architecture and Design
Dr Stefan Moitra
Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum (DBM)
Loredana Bruma
Rhabillage Association
Kimberly Berg
State University of New York at Albany
Mr Colm Murray
The Heritage Council of Ireland
Dr. Diego Rotman
Da'at Hamakom Research Center
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Zeynep Gunay
Assoc. Prof. Dr. / Urban planning
Istanbul Technical University
Prof. Huimei Liu
Zhejiang University, Institute of Cross-cultural and Regional Studies; Asian Pacific Centre for the Education and Study of Leisure
Patrick Giromini
PhD Candidate
Dominique Schoeni
Anthropologue et muséographe
Laboratório de Etnografia Metropolitana (LeMetro) IFCS - UFRJ (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro)
Dr Shelley Ruth Butler
Lecturer & Principal, Curatorial Dreams: Creative Workshops for Museum and Heritage Professionals, Researchers, and Community Groups
McGill University, Institute for the Study of Canada
Nufar Avni
PhD Candidate, School of Urban Planning
McGill University
Mrs Tiphaine Barthelemy
Université de Picardie
Ms Katie Markham
Dr Susan Ashley
Northumbria University
dr Riemer Knoop
reinwardt academie / gordion cultureel advies

Mon statut pour la session
