Finding the way- The establishment of Taiwan’s routes of industrial heritage
Mon statut pour la session
9:00, Jeudi 1 Sep 2022
(20 minutes)
UQAM, pavillon J.-A. De Sève (DS)
- DS-1545
Recognizing the significance of industry to the history of Taiwan, the government of Taiwan started to survey and preserve industrial heritage since the late 1990s. The milestone of these conservation works was the hosting of the 15th Congress of the International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage in 2012 (TICCIH Congress 2012). This congress evoked the general public consciousness for the conservation of industrial heritage in Taiwan as well as the other Asian countries. The congress also initiated the Taipei Declaration for Asian Industrial Heritage and the importance to build the Asian network for the conservation of industrial heritage. Thus, the Asian Network of Industrial Heritage (ANIH) was established in Taiwan in 2018. It aims for building the cross-countries information platform for the conservation of industrial heritage in Asia and has operated for 3 years with international conferences, youth workshops and set up the website.
Given the diverse nature of industrial heritage, the main goal of this organization and platforms is to promote interdisciplinary research and enhance collaboration in industrial heritage conservation following the steps of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) and the European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH). Ultimately, we hope to build a meaningful connection between industrial heritage and contemporary life in Asian countries. However, due to the uneven development of conservation condition in each countries and the needs for the exchange knowledge, “Taiwan's Routes of Industrial Heritage” are emerged as a prototype for the connection and communication of industrial heritage in 2019. By analyzing the Cultural Route Character from The International Council on Monuments and Sites, and the system of European Route of Industrial Heritage, this paper introduces the definition, types and operational system of potential Industrial Routes
in Taiwan. In addition, it shows the progress of the Asian Network of Industrial Heritage and Taiwan's Routes of Industrial Heritage to illustrate the ongoing development of industrial heritage in Asia with a focus on the coal mine route. Through these new dimensions of conservation policy of industrial heritage in Taiwan, they become a show case for industrial heritage, connecting sites, history, memories, production techniques and modern life to Asia and globally.