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Critical Creation Series: “Le Petit coin intact:” A Bilingual Performed Autoethnography

Mon statut pour la session

13:30, Lundi 6 Juin 2016 (1 heure 30 minutes)
Public event
Creator/performer: Lisa Ndejuru, Concordia University.
Soundscape and projections: David Ward, Concordia University.
Theatrical Performance with Projected Photos
Le petit coin intact is a bilingual (FR/EN) performed monologue with soundscape and projections.  The title of this series of short vignettes refers to a core of wholeness and strength so often contained in even the most extreme narratives of violence. Anchored in the performer’s own family story, it explores shared concerns and aspirations around the intergenerational legacy of trauma. This is a one-woman dramatic reflection about holding on tightly to the things worth holding. . . and shedding everything else.
The Critical Creation Series are curated by Stéphane Martelly and  Lilia Topouzova, Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, Concordia University

Mon statut pour la session
