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Industrial heritages to discover: current research II

Mon statut pour la session

Regular session
13:30, Lundi 29 Août 2022 (1 heure 30 minutes)
Pause   03:00 PM à 03:30 PM (30 minutes)

Luc Noppen


Sous sessions

13:30 - 13:50 | 20 minutes

Le chemin de fer panoramique fait référence aux chemins de fer exploités pour le tourisme, qui sont utilisés pour les loisirs, les visites panoramiques et les expériences patrimoniales. Prolongement du patrimoine ferroviaire et mode de réaménagement important, ce concept a des significations pour la valorisation touristique du patrimoine ferroviaire. Cet article présente d'abord les relations entre chemin de fer et paysage et le concept de chemin de fer scénique dans la littérature françai...

Kun Sang

14:00 - 14:20 | 20 minutes

Conservation and utilization of industrial heritage-- these important processes in fact, depend on management. If we can find out an effective way to manage industrial heritage, sustainable organization and operation can also be established. Then, how can we find this answer? From the Business Administration approach I pursued effective management models to meet active conservation and utilization of industrial heritage. I found out the best answer in current Knowledge Management; the SECI...

Ichiro Ohshima

14:30 - 14:50 | 20 minutes

The contemporary city is an urban palimpsest, consisting of archaeological accumulations- of the built environment, the surface, and buried subsurface- that are traces of the pasts entangled with one another in the present. Being influenced by the earlier modern material of cultural studies, and identification of the contemporary archaeology concerning the built structures of the traditional lighthouses is studied, as mentioned by the UNESCO, among others for the industrial heritage. The term...

Mirna Ashraf Ali


Mon statut pour la session
