Adrian Deveau
Adrian Deveau is a writer, artist, and PhD student in Art History at Concordia University and holds an MA in Art History and Theory from the University of British Columbia. Adrian has worked with arts-based organizations including the Museum of Anthropology (Vancouver), Thinking Through the Museum (Montreal), Vancouver Biennale, Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, and Reelout Film Festival. In their research, Adrian is interested in the intersection of queer art and political protest, Artist-Run Centre Culture, and the methodology of Telepathy within the archive.
Sessions auxquelles Adrian Deveau participe
Samedi 28 Mai, 2022
The bar is only a ghost to us now, but it was once printed in the ads of cruising spots as the “Love Discotheque.” Previously located at 1418 Rue Guy in Montreal, Quebec, a building that was demolished and whose land now houses Concordia University’s John Molson Building, the Love discotheque, or also known to locals as the “Love,” is etched in faded blank ink into the pages of the Body Politic magazine from 1973. To partygoers, the Love offered a safe space for dancing, drug...