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Session 6 | Séance 6 : Reimagining urban heritage

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Regular session
12:45, Friday 29 Sep 2017 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Dawson Hall | Le Balcon - Dawson Hall (enter through | accès par le 1435 rue City Councillors)

Sub Sessions

12:45 - 13:00 | 15 minutes

In regard to the authorized heritage discourse, institutions in the field of heritage conservation are nationally legitimized agents that form the epistemological framework for heritage interpretation. They value and sustain specific aspects of cultural heritage and thus represent their own heritage community that needs to (re‐)produce its importance by gaining societal support. Although they are legally empowered, these institutions often have a limited impact themselves because of severe...

13:00 - 13:15 | 15 minutes

Cette communication procède d’une double position, dedans/dehors, vis-à-vis d’une coopérative d’habitants : « Hôtel du Nord ». Ce nom désigne depuis 2010 une communauté patrimoniale dont les racines remontent au milieu des années 1990, lorsqu’une historienne est nommée Conservatrice du patrimoine dans les quartiers nord de Marseille, un territoire cumulant les handicaps économiques et sociaux. De fait, Hôtel du Nord est créé sur la base du travail de longue haleine d’identification et de p...

13:15 - 13:30 | 15 minutes

The city of York is a world renowned location; tourism based on the beauty and history of the city is an almost accepted aspect of what York is. However, it is growingly clear that many feel that it is no longer the dominant perception that the city demands and rather there is room for the narrative of the people. One that shies away from the gentrification and economy driven tales of history to ones of communities utilizing their resources to ensure that in a future marred with uncertaint...

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