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Yujue Wang

Wuhan University
Uczestniczy w 1 Element
Yujue WANG Assistant professor, School of information management, Wuhan University, China Personal particulars: Doctor of History (cole nationale des Chartes, France). She defended her doctoral thesis on communication and use of archival information in July 2014. Now, she is a young lecturer of archival science at School of information management in Wuhan University. Research field: archives management_record and archives management Teaching courses: basic theory of archival science, archival legislation Contact: Personal site (French): Personal site (Chinese): Publication: Yujue WANG, Archives de Chine et chercheurs trangers : Les conditions de la recherche dans les services darchives chinois (issue : 2015.02), comma. Y. WANG, Politique de communication des archives. De larchiviste vers le public : une tude comparative entre la France et la Chine . Journe des doctorants : lՎcrit aux mains du pouvoir, (15 mai 2014). Y. WANG, Business Archives in China_History and state of the art , ICA/SBA 2015 conference : Creating the Best Business Archive-Achieving a Good Return on Investment, 15-16 June, Milan.

Elementy, w których Yujue Wang uczestniczy

wtorek 7 czerwiec, 2016

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