Labour, Mobility and Heritage
My Session Status
The principal aim of this session is to provide a basis for the generation of understandings of the heritage of mobility related to labour, work and employment. The focus will be to engage with the lived experiences of workers by sharing the stories of individuals and communities affected by mobile work. Moreover, the inclusion of papers treating various forms of work-related mobility will permit a broader discussion on how heritage could be conceptualized in research that privileges mobility (although not a privileged mobility). The session will also encourage participants to consider creative and inclusive methods for representing and rendering visible the intersection of mobility and heritage. Both empirical and theoretical papers are welcome.
Elementy podrzędne
To contribute to a better understanding of the heritage of mobility related to labour, work and employment, this paper will focus on how mobile work had been employed historically. It pays attention to communities affected by work-related mobility in a particular context—prisons—and how memories about their movements are represented in the making of prisons into heritage. With a focus on prisons as a unique setting, it will argue, however, that a reflection on the ways in which labour has ...
Just before six o’clock on Sunday evening, November 10, 1940, the bow of the MV Golden Dawn collided with the MV Garland, throwing its passengers into the frigid waters of Conception Bay. At the time of this tragic accident, the two ferries were traveling in opposite directions between the large island of Newfoundland and the smaller Bell Island five kilometres distant, when a sudden snow squall obscured the boats’ lights. There were few survivors from the Garland. Some of those who perish...
This paper will develop a critical living heritage of labour and mobility. Heritage, in its various manifestations, has often depended upon the assumption of place, nation, and identity as stable categories. In these formulations, formal tangible heritage, such as monuments, buildings, sites, and landscapes, may serve to reflect and reinforce deeply-seeded, often exclusionary ideas about what bounded territories represent. Scholarship in a number of different disciplinary traditions has wo...
In 1909, Newfoundland’s first pulp and paper mill was opened at Grand Falls by the British newspaper magnate Alfred Harmsworth. Virtually overnight pulpwood was heralded as a modernizing force for Newfoundland. As a consequence of this new industry, Newfoundland’s first domestic migratory labour force was also created. Each winter fishermen left settlements along Newfoundland’s coast to cut and haul pulpwood in remote work camps across the island’s interior, returning each spring to partic...
Cette présentation s’appuie entre autres sur l’ouvrage « Patrimoine textiles de par le monde » et sur trois villes européennes répertoriées sous la rubrique « le coton en ville ». En premier, Lodz, le plus grand complexe textile du pays avec des industries qui datent pour l’essentiel des dernières décennies du XIXème siècle et qui connaissent aujourd’hui des plans importants de rénovation. Deuxième, Manchester, la première ville au monde à avoir été industrialisée, d’abord avec l’industrie...
In Asessippi-Parkland, in Manitoba’s central-west, as elsewhere on the Canadian prairies, local history is often relayed through the trials and tribulations of early European settlement. Beginning in the mid-eighteenth century, marking the genesis of the Canadian colonial project in the west, this history is that of perseverance and determination in the face of considerable hardship, and of family and community solidarity tempered by a steadfast individualism. These histories, of course, d...