Balance and perspectives of the conservation and reuse of the industrial heritage of Latin America and the Caribbean II
My Session Status
After 25 years of the launching of the first Latin American Industrial Heritage's organizations (México, Cuba, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Perú, Colombia, Brasil, Uruguay, Guatemala, Ecuador) we propose a general balance of the state of the art in the region and the future of the conservation and retooling of the industrial heritage in the covid19 aftermath. This regular session highlights four axes of discussion and comparative studies: 1) The legal framework of the policies of conservation and retooling of the industrial heritage in the region. 2) Experiences and Challenges of intervention in the cultural landscape of the industrial heritage in the region. 3) Training and human capital formation for the records and inventories of Industrial Heritage facing the new technologies that covid19 aftermath requires 4) Interdisciplinary approaches with methodological and theoretical views for the registration of the Intangible Cultural heritage of the industrial past in the region.
Elementy podrzędne
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