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Philanthropy for Systemic Change: Networking & discussion with local & international foundations

April 21, 2020, 2:00 PM - April 21, 2020, 4:00 PM

Montréal, Québec, Canada

November 5, 2019
Université de Montréal 
salle 104 du Pavillon 3744 Jean-Brillant. Metro: Côte des Neiges
A networking cocktail is planned for after the presentations
You are warmly invited to join PhiLab and the EDGE Funders Alliance for a special evening exploring Canadian and international perspectives on philanthropy’s role in systemic change. 
This is a unique opportunity for Canadian foundations to connect with their peers from around the world who will be in Quebec for a learning session as part of the EDGE Global Engagement Lab.
  • Meet foundations interested in systemic change from Canada and around the world.
  • Hear a presentation from Dr. Edouard Morena, University of London Institute in Paris, on the roles of philanthropy in enabling a "Just Transition" - or a transition to a future that is both socially just and ecologically sustainable.
  • Learn about the work of EDGE Funders Alliance to foster equitable partnerships in support of global social movements.
  • Share your work and explore possibilities for future collaboration.
  • Hear about opportunities to get involved with PhiLab on research on grantmaking foundations and Just Transition.
  • Discuss and exchange with peers at a networking cocktail after the presentations.
  • Optional: Continue the conversation at a networking dinner. A reservation has been made for 8:15pm at Olivieri Librairie et Bistro. Participants will pay for their own meal.
The event will be held mainly in English, with the possibility of asking questions and intervening in French. Informal translation by EDGE and PhiLab members could be arranged on request.
About the EDGE Funders Alliance:
EDGE Funders Alliance organizes within philanthropy to raise awareness and deepen understanding of the interconnected nature of the social, economic and ecological crises threatening our common future. EDGE works to increase resources for communities and movements creating systemic change alternatives for a transition to a society that supports justice, equity and the well-being of the planet.
One of EDGE’s core programs is our Global Engagement Lab -- a six-month international learning, organizing and community-building cohort for philanthropic organizations. The GEL fosters personal transformation and relationship-building in order to deepen philanthropy’s understanding of systemic change, increase our field’s ability to organize, and foster equitable partnerships in support of global social movements. On November 5, 2019, we’ll be closing our first retreat of our third GEL cohort with funders from over 10 countries, and look forward to exchanging with local foundations in Montreal.
About PhiLab:
The Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab) was launched in 2014. The network brings together researchers and members of the philanthropic community in order to share information, resources, and ideas and advance research and knowledge on Canadian and international philanthropy. PhiLab is a recipient of a 7-year SSHRC grant with the goal to advance research on the "role and actions of Canadian grantmaking foundations in response to the issues of social inequality and environmental challenges."
PhiLab is headquartered in Montreal at the Université du Québec à Montréal. In addition, there is an Indigenous Philanthropy Research Hub as well as Regional Hubs in the West, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic regions.


Philanthropy for Systemic Change: Networking & discussion with local & international foundations
Event Starts:   April 21, 2020, 2:00 PM
Event Ends:   April 21, 2020, 4:00 PM
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