Theme 2: animal health and contaminants
My Session Status
Frank Wania, Faqiang Zhan, Yuening Li, Jenny Oh, Chubashini Shnuthirasingham, Ying Duan Lei, Zhe Lu, Amina Ben Chaaben, Abigaëlle Dalpé Castilloux, Nick Alexandrou, Chunwen Weng, Hayley Hung | Identifying and Quantifying Atmospheric Sources of PCBs to Saint Lawrence Estuary Beluga Habitat | 11:00 |
Faqiang Zhan, Knut Breivik, Frank Wania | Modelling Atmospheric Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Levels in the St. Lawrence Estuary Region | 11:15 |
Alexis Trinquet, Mathieu Babin, Alexis Agathi, Jonathan Verreault, Véronique Lesage, Jory Cabrol, Stéphane Lair, Gerald Tetreault, Zhe Lu | UV Absorbents and Industrial Antioxidants in the Food Web of St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga | 11:30 |
Tanya M Brown, Antoine E Simond, Katerina Colbourne, Samuel Turgeon, Eliza-Jane Morin, Jory Cabrol, Véronique Lesage | Identifying and prioritizing contaminants of concern in the main prey and Critical Habitat of St Lawrence Estuary belugas | 11:45 |
Daniel Martineau, Miriam Poirier, Stéphane Lair | 35 ans plus tard, les bélugas du Saint-Laurent n'en sont plus les ramoneurs | 12:00 |
Sub Sessions
Frank Wania, Faqiang Zhan, Yuening Li, Jenny Oh, Chubashini Shnuthirasingham, Ying Duan Lei, Zhe Lu, Amina Ben Chaaben, Abigaëlle Dalpé Castilloux, Nick Alexandrou, Chunwen Weng, Hayley HungPersistent organic contaminants, such as the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), have been shown to bioaccumulate in the Saint Lawrence Estuary Belugas (SLEBs) and may be impacting their health. Atmospheric deposition is often the dominant source of organi...
Faqiang Zhan, Knut Breivik, Frank WaniaPolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been identified as one of the main threats to the endangered St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE) beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) population. Atmospheric deposition is often considered one of the major sources of PCBs to the habitats of the whales. We use the Nested Exposure Model (NEM), a state-of-the-art multimedia fate model, to simulate the atmospheric delivery of PCBs to the SLE. NEM...
Alexis Trinquet, Mathieu Babin, Alexis Agathi, Jonathan Verreault, Véronique Lesage, Jory Cabrol, Stéphane Lair, Gerald Tetreault, Zhe LuUV absorbents, including organic UV filters (UVFs) and benzotriazole UV stabilizers (BZT-UVs), are broadly used in the industry to prevent UV-light-induced skin issues or color changes of materials. These compounds can be found in sunscreens, personal care products, plastics, paints, and many other products. Industrial amine antiox...
Tanya M Brown, Antoine E Simond, Katerina Colbourne, Samuel Turgeon, Eliza-Jane Morin, Jory Cabrol, Véronique LesageCharacterizing the nature, significance and origins of the many different pollutants found in high trophic level marine mammals is exceedingly difficult. The operational implementation of effective Recovery and Action Plans for the endangered St Lawrence Estuary Beluga Whales (SLE beluga, Delphinapterus leucas) under the Species at Risk Act will benefi...
Daniel Martineau, Miriam Poirier, Stéphane LairLe cancer affecte tous les mammifères parce qu'il est causé par des altérations de l’ADN, central pour toutes les formes de vie terrestre. De plus, bélugas et humains, des mammifères aux longévités comparables, partagent les mêmes voies de détoxification. En 1983, un premier cancer était rapporté chez un béluga du Saint-Laurent (BSL). La même année, une forte relation épidémiologique entre l’exposition aux hydrocarbures...