Jeudi 24 Octobre, 2024
What's new in Japan's middle classe?
Disponible en tout temps jusqu'au samedi soir.
Jim Tiessen, JSAC President Gaby Hsab, Dean, Faculty of Communication, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)Noriko Yamamoto, Executive Director, the Japan Foundation Toronto
Vendredi 25 Octobre, 2024
CHAIR : James Tiessen Japan’s Strategic Quest for Leadership in Global Artificial Intelligence Landscape Scott Harrison, SFU David Lam Centre Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence (AI) hit the world by storm in 2023, completely sideswiping the years-long discussions about other transformative technologies like 5G. Even though Japan is often critiqued as having ...
CHAIR: Carin Holroyd L’évolution des relations nippo-canadiennes à travers leurs représentations diplomatiques Kentalo Toujas-Kandachi & Samy Mesli, UQAM Abstract: Les relations entre le Japon et le Canada se sont officialisées en 1889 avec l’ouverture du premier cons...
Speaker: Leonard Schoppa, Professor, Department of Politics, University of Virginia. When Osaka hosted Expo1970, Japan had built its cities big and fast. Tokyo and Osaka were two of the world’s most populous cities, powered by large-scale industrialization and connected by a bullet train that moved faster than any train on the planet. Today, as Osaka prepares to host Expo2025, it calls for a “human-centered society” that...
Conférencière : Yuriko Yokoyama, National Museum of Japanese History Introduction : Sachiyo KanzakiAbstract : Japanese society, ranked 125th on the gender gap index, is currently undergoing major turmoil. In the world of entertainme...
Samedi 26 Octobre, 2024
CHAIR: Scott Simon Downloadable files:- Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC) Minutes Annual Business Meeting ...
Chair: Norie Yazu 矢頭典枝Canada’s Presence at the 1970 Osaka Expos – Kenji Suzuki 鈴木健司, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
Dimanche 27 Octobre, 2024
Si vous participez à cette sortie, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant pour vous inscrire : Le départ est prévu pour 13h de la salle D-R200.