Talks 1
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Juris MeijaMetrology, National Research Council CanadaCalibration is often done by fitting a straight line. Everything appears trivial when we use two calibrators, although there are some surprises that make most of us uncomfortable. But what happens when we wish to use more than two calibrators? This presentation will outline a collection of key ideas that underpin calibration of isotope delta measurements - from mathematical implementation to practical problems - with examp...
Jean-François HélieUQAM - Geotopδ13C values are expressed relative to VPDB defined by the calcite standard NBS19 in the 1980s. To improve interlaboratory consistency a second anchor (lithium carbonate, LSVEC) was introduced in 2006 which is now known to be isotopically unstable. With the new reference materials made available by IAEA in 2020, it is now possible to realize the VPDB independently from LSVEC. It has recently been shown that using NBS19 & LSVEC or ...
Michelle Chartrand, Juris Meija and Zoltan MesterMetrology, National Research Council Canada Dual inlet measurements of CO2 are considered the holy grail of isotopic measurements, with uncertainties usually a magnitude lower than those obtained from EA-IRMS. However, these measurements require numerous tedious steps such as converting carbonates to CO2 gas, sample introduction techniques, and low-throughput s...
Paul MiddlesteadOttawa UniversityThe physical properties of helium are unique and make it more and more attractive for multiple emerging applications from high end electronics to super magnets found in MRIs. Helium is always being produced thru alpha decay and extracted with natural gas. However processing plants have limited capacities and the US reserve is now closed, conjuncture has created the 4th world crisis and the short term future is unce...
Mathieu BabinISMER-UQAR Data precision is crucial in stable isotope measurements. Paradoxically, and annoyingly, the uncertainty on CF-IRMS is highly sensitive to small variations in lab temperature. In this talk, an investigation of open-split CF-IRMS datasets lead to the identification of a relationship between small variations in lab temperature and IRMS results. Examp...