Talks 4
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Richard Socki and Tracey Jacksier Air Liquide The growth and evolving rolls of stable isotope techniques such as Continuous Flow-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (CF-IRMS) and Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy (including cavity ring down spectroscopy, CRDS) techniques in areas including...
Hutchings, J.A. & Konecky, B.L.Washington University in St. LouisThe demanding precision of triple oxygen isotope (Δ17O) measurements in water has restricted its measurement to dual-inlet mass spectrometry until the recent development of commercially available infrared-laser analyzers. Laser-based measurements of triple oxygen isotope ratios are now increasingly performed by laboratories seeking to better constrain the source and history of meteoric waters. How...
Violaine Ponsin and André PoirierUQAM-GeotopMany transformation pathways of chlorinated organic contaminants involve breaking of carbon-chlorine bonds, which makes Chlorine Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (Cl-CSIA) a particularly promising approach to understand the degradation of such compounds in environmental conditions. Analytical methods for Cl-CSIA are so far only available for a narrow range of compounds. This limited availability is explained by nu...