I am a PhD fellow at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. My doctoral research emphasizes the significance of sustainability and resilience of the tourism companies in Alta, Northern Norway, as well as examines the companies' ability and willingness to adapt and transform to global changes and the corona and post-corona situation. I have BA degrees in Economy, as well as in Health and Wellness Tourism. I have obtained my MA degree in Tourism Studies. My thesis research investigated sense of place and place attachment connected to the arctic archipelago of Svalbard, Spitsbergen. My main research interest is nature-based tourism, arctic tourism, especially winter tourism, and I am engaged in environmental and social sustainability. I am originally from Hungary, but I have been living and working in Norway for 14 years. Currently I am based in Alta, Northern Norway.
Sessions auxquelles Dora B Aamot participe
Dimanche 20 Juin, 2021
Cooperation and sustaining tourism during the COVID-19 pandemicbyDora B AamotCooperation during the corona-time appears to be a fundamental principle of a prosperous tourism industry. More than one year has passed since the travel and tourism industry was brought to its knees, with closed borders, travel restrictions, prohibitions, companies without visitors, shutdowns and bankruptcy. However, tourism is a robu...
Sessions auxquelles Dora B Aamot assiste
Samedi 19 Juin, 2021
L’accroissement de la fréquentation touristique dans certains lieux devenus des « destinations » a, ces derniers temps, remis à l’avant-plan le vieux paradigme du tourisme destructeur. Ici et là, l’on dénonce non seulement l’invasion des milieux de vie et la transformation des fonctions urbaines en fonction des attentes touristiques, mais aussi la destruction du patrimoine par l’altération de son authenticité. Simplement xénophobe ou carrément positiviste, une telle assertion, fondée sur l...
Dimanche 20 Juin, 2021
Moderator: Prof. Britt Kramvig (UiT) and Dr. Bryan S.R. Grimwood (UWaterloo)In this panel, Scholars and PhD students from UiT The Arctic University of Norway address multiple engagements with sustainability, justice and a quest for a more responsible tourist development in the multiple landscapes and communities in Sápmi/ Arctic Norway. Tourism participates in the making of specific landscapes, at moments interrupting but also destructing indigenous and local landscape practi...
Lundi 21 Juin, 2021
The Night Walk: from a dangerous migration to a tourist performance.ByJafet Quintero VenegasandAlvaro LopezThe Night Walk is a recreational activity organized by the Hñahñú community of the town of El Alberto, municipality of Ixmiquilpan, state of Hidalgo, Mexico, and is part of the menu of activities that tourists who visit the area can hire. This is a performance that involves several actors that represent the migratory phenomenon of undocumented Mexicans tryi...
Tourism RESET will be leading a special track: BI-POC issues in tourism, travel, and mobility. Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BI-POC) have endured racial inequalities, segregation and systemic racism for centuries. Globally, travel and tourism has been overpoweringly White-washed, leaving limited room to highlight the experiences and voices of traditionally marginalized groups, the result lending itself ...
Ethical and Equitable Tourism DataBy Evita RobinsonThis keynote covers the intersection of data and tourism. In 2020 NOMADNESS Travel Tribe and Tourism RESET had over 5200 respondents to their survey of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Travelers. The 89-page qualitative and quantitative report methodology is also a case study on how data is more robust when academia and industry work together. The 26,000+ member NOMADNESS community was the bridge to harnessing t...
We are offering time for reflection, processing, and a moment for clarity within a decompression session workshop. These sessions will help folxs make meaning of what they observed and heard in a non-judgmental space. As Probyn (2003) posited, “space informs, limits, and produces subjectivity” and with decompression sessions, conference participants can delineate for themselves the dialogue around race relations and the historical complexities of colonized and White centered narratives. Co...
Mardi 22 Juin, 2021
We are living in an era of growing illiberalism and authoritarianism. Tourism scholars must confront this trend and consider what it means for how we understand democracy, justice, and power. Framed by a critical, political economy approach, the presentation situates the illiberal/authoritarian turn within the broader context of a changing neoliberal landscape, which is inspired by, and supportive of, so-called populist (ethno-nationalist) movements, ...