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Towards an AI Mathematician

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11:00 AM, viernes 7 jun 2024 EDT (1 hour 30 minutos)
Large Language Models: Applications, Ethics & Risks
Mathematics is a hallmark of human intelligence and a long-standing goal of AI. It involves analyzing complex information, identifying patterns, forming conjectures, and performing logical deduction. Many of these capabilities are beyond the reach of current AI, and unlocking them can revolutionize AI applications in scientific discovery, formal verification, and beyond. In this talk, I will present initial steps towards the grand vision of AI mathematicians, taking an approach that combines the generative power of large language models (LLMs) with the logical rigor of formal methods. 

I will cover our work on using LLMs to (1) prove formal theorems in proof assistants such as Coq and Lean and (2) automatically translate human-written mathematics into formal theorems and proofs—a task called autoformalization. For theorem proving, we introduce the entire system for extracting data, training LLMs to generate proof steps, interacting with proof assistants to search for proofs, and deploying the model to assist human users. For autoformalization, using Euclidean geometry as an example domain, we introduce a neuro-symbolic framework that combines LLMs with SMT solvers and domain knowledge. Finally, we discuss future directions for AI mathematicians beyond theorem proving and autoformalization, including important problems such as automatic conjecturing and applications in natural language and program verification.



Yang, K., Swope, A., Gu, A., Chalamala, R., Song, P., Yu, S., … & Anandkumar, A. (2024). Leandojo: Theorem proving with retrieval-augmented language models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36.

Shulman, M. (2024). Strange new universes: Proof assistants and synthetic foundations. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society.

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