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Cognitive Science Tools for Understanding the Behavior of Large Language Models

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3:30 PM, Vendredi 14 Juin 2024 EDT (1 heure 30 minutes)
Large Language Models & Understanding
Large language models have been found to have surprising capabilities, even what have been called “sparks of artificial general intelligence.” However, understanding these models involves some significant challenges: their internal structure is extremely complicated, their training data is often opaque, and getting access to the underlying mechanisms is becoming increasingly difficult. As a consequence, researchers often have to resort to studying these systems based on their behavior. This situation is, of course, one that cognitive scientists are very familiar with — human brains are complicated systems trained on opaque data and typically difficult to study mechanistically. In this talk I will summarize some of the tools of cognitive science that are useful for understanding the behavior of large language models. Specifically, I will talk about how thinking about different levels of analysis (and Bayesian inference) can help us understand some behaviors that don’t seem particularly intelligent, how tasks like similarity judgment can be used to probe internal representations, how axiom violations can reveal interesting mechanisms, and how associations can reveal biases in systems that have bee trained to be unbiased.



Yao, S., Yu, D., Zhao, J., Shafran, I., Griffiths, T., Cao, Y., & Narasimhan, K. (2024). Tree of thoughts: Deliberate problem solving with large language models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36.

Hardy, M., Sucholutsky, I., Thompson, B., & Griffiths, T. (2023). Large language models meet cognitive science: Llms as tools, models, and participants. In Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society (Vol. 45, No. 45).

Tom Griffiths


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