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Tomoko Ohyama: Action selection in a small brain (Drosophila maggot)

Decorative image for session Tomoko Ohyama: Action selection in a small brain (Drosophila maggot)

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9:00 AM, Vendredi 29 Juin 2018 (1 heure 30 minutes)

Tomoko Ohyama (Speaker)
Professor McGill University

Jonathan Balcombe 
Independent Scientist and Author

To make optimal decisions and adapt successfully to our environments, we need to make use of all the sensory cues we can detect (e.g., visual, olfactory, tactile, noxious), which initially arrive through selective channels. A central question in neuroscience concerns how nervous systems transform these originally segregated inputs into holistic multisensory representations, and how they use these representations to guide the selection of actions. Our research is focused on discovering the fundamental circuit principles that underlie these processes. To tackle this challenge, we have been studying escape behaviors in larval Drosophila melanogaster.

Ohyama, T., Schneider-Mizell, C. M., Fetter, R. D., Aleman, J. V., Franconville, R., Rivera-Alba, M., ... & Cardona, A. (2015). A multilevel multimodal circuit enhances action selection in Drosophila. Nature, 520(7549), 633.

Vogelstein, J. T., Park, Y., Ohyama, T., Kerr, R. A., Truman, J. W., Priebe, C. E., & Zlatic, M. (2014). Discovery of brainwide neural-behavioral maps via multiscale unsupervised structure learning. Science, 344(6182), 386-392.

Ohyama, T., Jovanic, T., Denisov, G., Dang, T. C., Hoffmann, D., Kerr, R. A., & Zlatic, M. (2013). High-throughput analysis of stimulus-evoked behaviors in Drosophila larva reveals multiple modality-specific escape strategiesPloS one8(8), e71706.

Jonathan Balcombe


Tomoko Ohyama


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