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WORKSHOP 10: La sensibilité animale: Le statut juridique des espèces non humaines (Alain Roy, Nicolas Morello)

Mon statut pour la session

7:30 PM, Vendredi 6 Juil 2018 (2 heures)
This Workshop is about current and future developents in the legal status of sentient species: how can the law protect the biological imperatives of the members of the species whose cognitive and emotional capacities and needs have been on display in this 10-day summer school in the cognitive sciences?
Alain Roy (Speaker)
Professeur de droit animalier Université de Montréal
Nicolas Morello (Speaker)
Co-fondateur Droit animalier Québec (DAQ)

Jennifer Mather (Discussant)
University of Lethbridg

Adam Shriver (Discussant)
Professor Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics
Kathrin Herrmann (Discussant) 
Assistant Scientist Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Stevan Harnad 
Professor UQÀM & McGill

Alain Roy


Stevan Harnad


Nicolas Morello


Jennifer Mather

Autre participant.e

Adam Shriver

Autre participant.e

Kathrin Herrmann

Autre participant.e

Mon statut pour la session

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