Carel ten Cate: Avian Cognition: on Rules, Reasoning and Rhythms

Mon statut pour la session
9:00 AM, Vendredi 6 Juil 2018
(1 heure 30 minutes)
Université du Québec à Montréal
- DS-R510

Carel ten Cate (Speaker)
Professor Leiden University
Professor Leiden University

Fernanda Pérez Gay Juárez (Discussant)
Postdoctoral Fellow UQÀM & McGill
Postdoctoral Fellow UQÀM & McGill

Lars Chittka
Professor of Sensory and Behavioural EcologyQueen Mary University of London
Professor of Sensory and Behavioural EcologyQueen Mary University of London
Michelle J. Spierings and Carel ten Cate (2016) Budgerigars and zebra finches differ in how they generalize in an artificial grammar learning experiment. PNAS
Carel ten Cate,Michelle Spierings, Jeroen Hubert and Henkjan Honing (2016) Can birds perceive rhythmic patterns? A review and experiments on a songbird and a parrot species. Frontiers in Pschology
Carel ten Cate (2018) The comparative study of grammar learning mechanisms: birds as models. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 21;13-18.
Carel ten Cate & Susan D. Healy (Eds.) 2017. Avian Cognition (book). Cambridge University Press.