Dr Sharon Peoples
Dr Sharon Peoples is the Convenor of the Museums and Collections Program within the Centre for Heritage and Museums, at The Australian National University. She has designed and implemented innovative online and intensive courses in museum education and heritage studies, which incorporate flexible learning approaches for post-graduate students and professionals. Her commitment to both object-based learning and new technologies takes advantage of the location of the ANU in the national capital to forge strong and authentic learning opportunities with key national cultural institutions. She now writes on museum education, textiles, the crafts and the emerging area of fashion theory as well as maintaining a profile as an exhibiting artist. She also lectures in Textiles Workshop at the ANU School of Art and curates textile exhibitions. She also has lectured and tutored in the Research School of Humanities ANU, School of Art ANU, Art History Department ANU where she completed her PhD. She continues to practice as an artist, having work collected by local and national institutions.