Alan Webb
Sessions in which Alan Webb participates
Saturday 28 May, 2022
During the late 1960s, the city of Toronto was facing a critical question with the potential to radically transform its urban fabric: will the future be for cars or for people? The construction of the Spadina Expressway promised to ease traffic congestion for those living outside of the city centre but galvanized citizens groups within to resist what was seen as a destructive renewal project that would lead to the indiscriminate destruction of neighbourhoods and dislocation of communities....
Sessions in which Alan Webb attends
Friday 27 May, 2022
The Arts and Craft movement in Canada has been the subject of a number of studies and exhibitions including Artists, Architects and Artisans: Canadian Art 1890-1918 (2013) and Architecture, Design and Craft in Toronto 1900-1940 “Creating Modern Living” (2017). However, one question remains: almost nothing is known about the industrial turn in building that the Arts and Craft movement decried by celebrating a craft aesthetic. What ...
Architectural history and heritage have historically been defined by superlatives. Vernacular traditions and local histories, on the other hand, have often been pushed to the margins or overlooked. These everyday spaces and places are often relegated to the quotidian, and perceived as unworthy of recognition. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, has changed our daily lives, and in many cases, our values. Now, we have been forced to see the everyday in a new light. What might this n...
Major parks have been part of the urban identity of Canadian cities for more than 150 years. From Pleasure Grounds to reformist and recreational parks as well as exhibition parks, parks have assumed different built forms over time and have had a wide range of vocations and uses. In recent years, a number of international publications have reflected on parks from the point of view of history, cultural diversity, good practices in terms of design...
Saturday 28 May, 2022
We offer a unique experience for the closing dinner of this conference in Montreal, in the former U.S. pavilion of Expo'67 - the most popular of the exhibition, with 5.3 million visitors: the "geodesic dome" designed by architect Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) with the collaboration of Shoji Sadao. The self-supporting steel honeycomb structure, covered with a polymer skin, was burned down in 1976 and redeveloped in the 1990s, according to the plans of architect Éric Gauthier, into an envir...