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Session Attendees - Public lecture: Fear, loss and the potential for progressive nostalgia: challenging right-wing populism*

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Prof. Claudine Déom
Associate Professor, University of Montreal
Allen Dieterich-Ward
Professor of History, Shippensburg University
Hushui Deng
post-doctoral researcher, EPFL
Anne Dalmasso
Professeur d'histoire contemporaine, Université grenoble Alpes LARHRA
Anica Draganic
associate professor, University of Novi Sad
James Douet
Heritage consultant and writer,
Mirhan Damir
Lecturer, Alexandria University, Egypt


Florence Graezer Bideau
Senior Scientist and Lecturer, PhD, EPFL
Abdoulaye Gaye, Ministère de la Culture Sénégal / Direction du Patrimoine Culturel
Stephan Green
Chercheur Indépendant (Royaume Uni), Independent Researcher (UK)
Celina Peña Guzmán
Research Professor, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


Jacqueline Charlier - Rossbach
Proviseure Cité Scolaire Moselle, Retraitée Education Nationale FRANCE
Èlia Casals Alsina
PhD student, Universitat de Lleida [University of Lleida]. Fac.: Geography and Sociology. Research program: Territory, heritage and culture
Èlia Casals Alsina
PhD student, Universitat de Lleida [University of Lleida]. Fac.: Geography and Sociology. Research program: Territory, heritage and culture
Dominique Chartrand
Société québécoise des infrastructures
Rui Carvalho
Architect Phd Student in Heritage Rehabilitation, Seville University
Camilo Contreras
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
Elizabeth Carnegie
Northumbria University
Oana Cristina Tiganea
Assistant Professor in Architectural Preservation, Politecnico di Milano
Dr Robyn Clinch
Heritage planner, University of Melbourne
Èlia Casals Alsina
PhD student, Universitat de Lleida [University of Lleida]. Fac.: Geography and Sociology. Research program: Territory, heritage and culture
Oana Cristina Tiganea
Assistant Professor in Architectural Preservation, Politecnico di Milano
Boris Cvitanic D.
PhD. Associate Professor Architecture Department, Universidad de Magallanes
Rafaela Citron
PhD Candidate, USP


Myriam Joannette
Chaire de recherche du Canada en patirmoine urbain
Joeri Januarius
Director, Center for Industrial Heritage ETWIE
Moulshri Joshi
Architect, SpaceMatters


carole lévesque
École de design, UQAM
Dr Chao-Shiang Li
Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design, China University of Technology, Taiwan
Marie-Claude Lemelin
Service de l'urbanisme et de la mobilité
Zhen-Hui Liu
Assistant Professor, Literacy Center for Creative Writing and Course Development, Providence University
Gabriel Laferriere
Chargé de projet, Passerelles, coopérative en patrimoine
Bo Lagerqvist
Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg
Hsiao-Wei Lin
associate professor, Chung Yuan Christian University


Mark Watson
Deputy Head of Industrial Heritage, Historic Environment Scotland


Cathy Beausoleil
Logistics Manager, UQAM
Prof. Stefan Berger
Director, Ruhr University Bochum
Konstantinos Bitzanis
CEO, Technopolis City of Athens
Dr Milan Balaban
Scientific Researcher - Historian, Tomas Bata University in Zlin
Brooke Batterson
Graduate Student, Industrial Heritage & Archaeology, Michigan Technological University
Ana Bergholz
PhD Student Heritage Studies, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Johanna Björkman
PhD, Head of Cultural Environment, Helsinki City Museum
Justin Bur
Doctoral candidate, UQAM
Lea Brönner
Project coordinator, IHM - Institute for Heritage Management GmbH


Beatriz Takahashi
PhD student in Architecture , CITCEM - Transdisciplinary Research Centre «Culture, Space and Memory»
Nevena Tatovic
PhD Candidate, University of Évora
Varvara Toura
PhD student in urban geography, EHESS/Géographie-Cités


Mário Bruno Pastor
PhD Candidate / Researcher, APPI / TICCIH - UCP - CITAR - FCT
Heidi Pinkepank
Academic, Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus / Institute for New Industrial Culture INIK
Katarzyna Piotrowska
Department of Culture and National Heritage, Kraków Municipality
Alexandre Piral
Fonderie Darling


Francisco Rivera
Research Associate, Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo, Universidad Católica del Norte
Prof. Susan Ross
Associate professor, Carleton University
Brian Rosa
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow in Urban Geography, Department of Humanities, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Elisa Rubalcava
Heritage Conservation Technologist, GoA - Historic Resources Management Branch
Helena ROUX
Doctoral Assistant, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne


Ariane Néron Lapointe
Député de Jonquière
Dr Györgyi Németh PhD
Historian, TICCIH Hungary
Pascale Nachez
Dr., Université de Haute-Alsace - Mulhouse - France


Seana Irvine
PhD Student, Trent University
Seana Irvine
PhD Student, Trent University


Amy Federman
Six Degree Singers
Maria Florou
Head of the Industrial Gas Museum, Technopolis City of Athens
Michael Farrenkopf
Dr., Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum (DBM)


Prof. Laurajane Smith
Professor and Head of the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies, Australian National University
Marion Steiner
Secretary General, TICCIH International
Cristina Sucala
PhD Student, Ironbridge Interantional Institute for Cultural Heritage - University of Birmingham
Coralie Schirru
Doctorante contractuelle, université de Strasbourg
Cathy Stanton
Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Tufts University
Daniel Schneider
Headquarters Manager, The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage


Henry Kuningas
Tallinn Urban Planning Department; Estonian Academy of Arts
Jan Kubanek
ERA Architectes
Sung-Yong Kim
Master Student, IWTG TU Bergakademie Freiberg


Mirna Ashraf Ali
Urban Heritage Planner at UNESCO, World Heritage Cities Programme | Urban Researcher and Architect , UNESCO| World Heritage Centre - Brandenburg University of Technology-Cottbus
Kasper Albrektsen
Aarhus School of Archutecture
Kasper Albrektsen
Aarhus School of Archutecture
Maria Isabel Alba Dorado
Associate Professor, UNIVERSITY OF MALAGA


Rossella Maspoli
Associate Professor, Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design DAD
Jorge Magaz-Molina
PhD candidate, University of Alcala. School of Architecture
Morgane Moello
Director-curator of industrial museums, Réunion des Musées Métropolitains Rouen Normandie
Paul Mahoney
Senior Heritage Advisor, Department of Conservation New Zealand
Lucas Monsaingeon
CY Cergy Paris University / ENSA Versailles / AAPP architects
Torsten Meyer
Senior Scientist, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum (DBM)
Víctor Muñoz Sanz
Assistant Professor of Urban Design, Delft University of Technology


Anne Hakkinen
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Jyväskylä, Department of History and Ethnology
Alex Hubert
Museology coordinator, Centre d'Histoire Arvida
Pr-Dr Florence Hachez-Leroy
Professor, Université d'Artois


Mengke Zhang
PhD Candidate, EPFL


Maryam El Moumni
Architect DENA/Cultural Heritage Graduate
Dina El Mazzahi
Architect/ urban researcher, Shaboury & Associates


Flore Vigné
Research fellow, PACTE/CERMOSEM (UGA)


Heike Oevermann
Prof. Dr. (interim), Universität Bamberg
Dr Miles Oglethorpe
President of TICCIH, TICCIH

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