Elizabeth Carnegie’s work is interdisciplinary drawing on sociology, anthropology, material culture studies and social history. She is interested in the body as a site of memory and the way the body passes through memory spaces as visitor/tourist. This project reflects an intergenerational study of the role and meaning of tattoos within seafaring communities. Other work includes a multi-side study of museums in post-communist countries in eastern Europe with a special focus on frozen bodies – monumental statuary. She was a curator before academe and previously taught at Sheffield university and currently teaches tourism and heritage at Northumbria University
Derek Bryce's research interests lie mainly in the critical appraisal of the commodification of cultural heritage resources, the rendering of places into destinations and the often contested politics underpinning these. This is expressed principally in his publications examining the politics of 'Western' representation of Islamic culture and destinations, in which he adopts a Foucauldian/post-Saidian approach with notable contributions in the journals including Theory, Culture & Society, Annals of Tourism Research and Environment and Planning A. He is involved in an ongoing project examining the commercialisation of Ottoman cultural heritage in SE Europe and is an external partner in SOAS-University of London's interdisciplinary Centre for Ottoman Studies. His ongoing activity in other contexts includes exploring the culturally contingent notion of 'authenticity' in heritage consumption and the commercialisation of 'real and imagined pasts' in ancestral tourism.
Bryce, D 2013, 'The absence of Ottoman, Islamic Europe in Edward W. Said's Orientalism', Theory, Culture and Society , vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 99-121.
Bryce, D and Carnegie, E. (2013)‘Exhibiting the ‘Orient’: reception of theory in curatorial practice in UK museums and galleries’, Environment and Planning A,45(7) pages 1734 – 1752
Bryce, D, Murdy, S & Alexander, M 2017, 'Diaspora, authenticity and the imagined past', Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 66, pp. 49-60.
Carnegie, E. and Kociatkiewicz, J. (2021) Dances with Despots: exploring the tourist role among the ‘ghosts’ of past regimes within Eastern Europe, Special Issue Peace through Tourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Carnegie, E. and Kociatkiewicz, J. (2019) Occupying Whateverland: journeys to museums in the Baltic, Annals of Tourism, 75, 2019, p. 238-247
Carnegie, E and Drencheva, A. (2019) Mission-driven arts organisations and initiatives: Surviving and thriving locally in a time of rupture, Special Issue, Art in a time of Rupture, Arts and the Market, 9(2) 178-187
Carnegie, E. and Kociatkiewicz, J. (2019) Occupying Whateverland: journeys to museums in the Baltic, Annals of Tourism (Research 4 * Journal).
O’Reilly, D. and Doherty, K. and Carnegie, E. and Larsen, G. (2017) ‘Cultural memory and the heritagisation of a music consumption community’, Arts and the Market, Vol. 7 Issue: 2, pp.174-190 (won Emerald Literati award for excellence: Best paper Award 2018)
Tucker, H. and Carnegie, E (2014). World Heritage and the Contradictory Values of Universal Value’. Annals of Tourism Research 47 (2014) 63–76
Sessions in which Elizabeth Carnegie participates
Thursday 1 September, 2022
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Sessions in which Elizabeth Carnegie attends
Tuesday 30 August, 2022
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Public lecture: Industrial heritage as agent of gentrification?
5:30 PM -
7:00 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes
Wednesday 31 August, 2022
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Thursday 1 September, 2022
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Friday 2 September, 2022
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Public lecture: Heritage from the outside in: Cultural practice in an already changed climate
3:30 PM -
5:00 PM |
1 hour 30 minutes