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Ceila Cardoso

MSc Phd Adjunct Professor
Participates in 2 items

Ceila R. C. Cardoso is architect with Postdoctoral degree about Adaptive reuse of industrial and prefab buildings at the Heritage & Architecture’s Section, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of Technological University of Delft, TUDELFT (2019), and a PhD in Conservation and Restoration at the Postgraduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the Federal University of Bahia PPGAU-FAUFBA (2014). Holds a master's degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo (2004) and a degree from the Faculty of Architecture of the Federal University of Bahia (2000). She is Adjunct Professor III at FAUFBA, teaching Design Studio, Theory and History of Architecture and Final Graduation Design Studio. She is also author and proponent of ACCS-Prefabrication in Architecture, extension activity to study and propose alternatives to preserve João Filgueiras Lima’s schools from the period FAEC (Factory of Architecture and Community Equipment) in the city of Salvador.

She created and coordinates the research group FABER: Architecture, Construction, Technology and Heritage, at the Faculty of Architecture of the Federal University of Bahia, in Brazil. Also participates in the research group COMMON PLACE - PPGAU-FAUFBA having academic production and research with emphasis on design, heritage, technology and architecture criticism.



  • CARDOSO, Ceila, MINHO, José, and CAL, Pablo. Lelé: sustainability thought industry. In Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities. DOCOMOMO 16th INTERNATIONAL Conference. Tokyo: Docomomo International, 2021. Pp. 1514-1519. ISBN 987-4-904700-72-3;
  • CARDOSO, Ceila R C and QUIST, Wido. PREFABRICATION IN ARCHITECTURE: Experiences of buildings as industrial products in Brazil and the Netherlands - João Filgueiras Lima (Lelé) and Schokbeton Industries. 13th DOCOMOMO BRAZIL, Salvador, 2019. ISBN 978-85-66843-06- 4;
  • CARDOSO, Ceila R C and MINHO, José F. M. THE SCHOOLS OF JOÃO FILGUEIRAS LIMA, LELÉ: design as a social technology and reuse of derelict spaces. 12th International Symposium on Ferrocement and thin cement composites. Belo Horizonte, 2018. ISSN 2595-4458;
  • CARDOSO, Ceila R C and GUIMARÃES, Ana. IN (+) TANGIBLE HERITAGE: the schools of João Filgueiras Lima, Lelé. In Adaptive reuse: The Modern Movement towards the future. DOCOMOMO 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. Lisboa, 2016. Pp. 948-953. ISBN 978-989-99645-0-1, 978-989-96790-4-7.

Sessions in which Ceila Cardoso participates

Monday 29 August, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Wednesday 31 August, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Sessions in which Ceila Cardoso attends

Monday 29 August, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes

This session presents case studies and policy reviews that contribute to ongoing debate and international dialogue on the role of planning systems and conservation practices in addressing the challenges of citizen engagement—conserving local interests, place attachments alongside physical remnants of industrial heritage. Over the past half century, we have witnessed the development and changing focuses of urban planning and conservation discourses addressing industrial heritage. Relevant p...

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes

Industrialization processes have been global from their very beginning. However, their interpretation still tends to be limited to specific locations or regions, and to specific time periods. Regularly, for example, it is stated that the industrial revolution started in Europe, from where it spread to the world, supposedly bringing technological and social progress to „less developed“ countries. Earlier periods of technology and knowledge transfer processes, that were already in place in t...

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes

Si la vallée du canal de Lachine a été le berceau de l’industrialisation canadienne, la géographie industrielle métropolitaine ne s’y est pas confinée, peu s’en faut, Outre les grandes concentrations d’entreprises des quartiers centraux, elle est constituée des réseaux infrastructuraux, d’une douzaine de centrales hydroélectriques et des ensembles manufacturiers disséminés dans une quinzaine de petites villes aujourd’hui intégrées dans l’aire métropolitaine. La conférence proposera un surv...

Gérard Beaudet

Keynote speaker

Tuesday 30 August, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes

Efforts to preserve industrial heritage occurs in a socio-economic and political context. But what is being preserved and for whom? And, relatedly, what is the relationship between industrial heritage sites and the deindustrialized working-class communities that often adjoin them? The keynote will consider the ways that the preservation of Montreal’s Lachine Canal, Canada’s premier industrial heritage site, has enabled gentrification processes that have forc...