Joeri Januarius holds a PhD in history on the topic of mining history and industrial heritage. As of 2015, he is the director of the Flemish Heritage Center on Industrial Heritage (ETWIE, [www.etwie.be](http://www.etwie.be)), which is integrated into the Museum of Industry in Ghent (Belgium). Between 2015 and 2018, he was appointed as guest lecturer at the Free University of Brussels to teach the introductory course on industrial archaeology and industrial heritage to graduate students. Subsequently, in 2019 he was invited by the University of Antwerp to provide guest lectures on industrial heritage in Belgium. He has published several articles and books on the topics of industrial heritage, intangible heritage, the safeguarding of crafts and industrial techniques. In addition he is an editorial member of the Flemish-Dutch industrial heritage journal ‘Erfgoed van Industrie en Techniek’ and is both the president of TICCIH Belgium as well as the ERIH national representative.
Selected publications :
- J. Januarius, ‘Komt dat zien, komt dat zien! Over de kansen voor toerisme, industrieel erfgoed en immaterieel erfgoed’, Volkskunde (themanummer ICE en toerisme), 2020, aangeboden ter publicatie (nummer 0042-8523) (ISSN 0775-3128)
- J. Januarius, ‘Living Human Treasures. Vloek of zegen voor de ICE-diversiteit?’, Volkskunde (themanummer ICE en diversiteit), 2015, 3, pp. 487-496. (nummer 0042-8523) (ISSN 0775-3128)
- J. Januarius, ‘Industrial representations of Belgian Limburg miners in the 1950s: photographing corporate culture, labour and everyday life’, Depth of Field, 1, 2012, 2, pp. 1-19 (nummer 2212-6244)
- J. Januarius en N. Teughels, ‘History meets archaeology: the historical use of images. A survey’, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 87, 2010, 4, pp. 667-683 (nummer 0035-0818) (ISSN 2295-9068)
- J. Januarius, ‘Feeling at home. Interiors, domesticity and everyday life of Belgian Limburg miners in the 1950s’, Home Cultures, 5, 2009, 1, pp. 43-70 (nummer 1740-6315) (ISSN 1740-6315)
- J. Januarius, ‘Picturing everyday life of Limburg miners: photographs as a historical source’, International Review of Social History, 53, 2008, 2, pp. 293-312 (nummer 0020-8590)(ISSN 0020-8590)
- J. Januarius, ‘Foto's met autoriteit. Alledaagsheid in het leven van Limburgse mijnwerkers in de jaren 1950’, Brood en Rozen, 12, 2007, 1, pp. 5-25 (nummer 1370-7477) (ISSN 1370-7477)
- A2 Journal Article (9)
- J. Januarius, ‘Het immaterieel erfgoed van techniek en industrie: een inleiding’, Erfgoed van Techniek en Industrie, 2020, 2, pp. 2-8 (ISSN: 0927-3026)
- J. Januarius, ‘Gevaarlijk erfgoed! Asbest en industrieel erfgoed: een korte stand van zaken’, Erfgoed van Techniek en Industrie, 29, 2, 2019, pp. 17-21 (ISSN: 0927-3026)
- J. Januarius, ‘Word smid. Technische handboeken als bron voor historisch onderzoek naar het smeedambacht (1800-2000)’, Histories Magazine, 2, 2019, pp. 14-23.
- J. Januarius e.a. ‘De schoen van toen. Erfgoedzorg voor een bedreigd ambacht’, FARO Tijdschrift voor Cultureel Erfgoed, 11, 2018, pp. 62-65 (ISSN 2030-3777)
- J. Januarius en M. Mouton, ‘Naar een brandend actueel ambacht. Erfgoedproject creëert nieuwe impuls voor ambacht’, FARO Tijdschrift voor Cultureel Erfgoed, 10, 2017, pp. 42-47 (ISSN 2030-3777)
- J. Januarius, ‘Over schachtbokken, chevalements, Förderturme’, FARO Tijdschrift voor Cultureel Erfgoed, 9, 2016, pp. 56-61 (ISSN 2030-3777)
- J. Januarius, ‘In de voorhoede van de consumptiemaatschappij? Koopkracht en consumptie van Belgisch-Limburgse mijnwerkers in de jaren 1950 en 1960’, Studies voor de sociale en economische geschiedenis van Limburg, 2014, pp. 105-123 (ISSN 0923-2842)
- J. Januarius, ‘Helden, machines en vooruitgang? Een comparatieve analyse van de (visuele) representatie in de gedenkboeken van Belgisch- en Nederlands-Limburgse mijnzetels’, Studies voor de sociale en economische geschiedenis van Limburg, LVII, 2012, pp. 153-170 (ISSN 0923-2842)
- J. Januarius, ‘De werkloosheidsverzekering in de naoorlogse welvaartstaat: een blik op de werking van het ABVV’, Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift, 1, 2008, pp. 3-8 (ISSN 2032-5363)
Sessions in which Joeri Januarius participates
Tuesday 30 August, 2022
Friday 2 September, 2022
Sessions in which Joeri Januarius attends
Sunday 28 August, 2022
Join the conference organisers and TICCIH board members for a welcome cocktail and some festive words of introduction, in the former forge of the École technique de Montréal, founded in 1909, now part of the Université du Québec à Montréal campus.
Monday 29 August, 2022
This session is about the “hard facts” of conservation. It aims to draw together technical knowledge from related fields. Industrial conservation specialists rely on specialised knowledge and may sometimes not be aware that there is expertise and proven good or best practice in related fields. The transferring of knowledge from related engineering, construction preservation and architectural conservation specialists can serve the purpose of promoting and securing future preservation of ...
This session presents case studies and policy reviews that contribute to ongoing debate and international dialogue on the role of planning systems and conservation practices in addressing the challenges of citizen engagement—conserving local interests, place attachments alongside physical remnants of industrial heritage. Over the past half century, we have witnessed the development and changing focuses of urban planning and conservation discourses addressing industrial heritage. Relevant p...
This session presents case studies and policy reviews that contribute to ongoing debate and international dialogue on the role of planning systems and conservation practices in addressing the challenges of citizen engagement—conserving local interests, place attachments alongside physical remnants of industrial heritage. Over the past half century, we have witnessed the development and changing focuses of urban planning and conservation discourses addressing industrial heritage. Relevant p...
Industrial heritage and photography have a close relationship. Photography is a source for industrial archaeology. It sheds light on the links between people, their tools, their machines and their workplaces. Once the industrial activity is over, photography is also a tool for documenting and studying the sites. But far beyond that, captured by artists capable of transcending common representations, conferring on industrial remains the ugliness of an era that was thought to be over, photog...
Tuesday 30 August, 2022
This session will allow us to explore, through nine international case studies, the different strategies for the development of industrial heritage as well as their impacts on communities and their territory. The analysis of museums, cultural spaces, itineraries and urban developments will be an opportunity to highlight the questions of identity, meaning, relevance and impact that animate all the actors of this heritage in transformation.
Drawing on case studies from diverse social, cultural, and political contexts the papers in this session discuss the different responses to maintaining and assessing not only the physical sustainability of industrial heritage but also the sustainability of its social values and meaning.
As a "continent” country, in which industrialization began as early as the 19th century, Canada has seen through deindustrialization and urban redevelopment, parts of this heritage have been either altered or destroyed. Yet, Canada still possesses a very significant industrial heritage. With Canada being a confederation, approaches to the protection and the safeguard of its industrial heritage differs throughout the provinces and territories of the country. The same is true of i...
Wednesday 31 August, 2022
The legacy of open pit mining in general, and in the landscape of the Lusatian lignite district in Germany in particular, is a recultivated, restored, man-made, technogenic landscape. However, the future post-mining land uses in Lusatia must be understood as an opportunity that enables future-oriented land use not only from a technological-scientific and economic basis, but also from a social and especially cultural perspective. Therefore, the currently often negatively described Lusatian ...
Examples from several continents, in Europe, South America, North America, Turkey, show strong continuity in the objectives that govern the reuse of industrial buildings, for example the concern to take into account the industrial heritage as a resource for urban and territorial development, or the close links that it has with culture, whether it is used to house cultural facilities or more simply to bear witness to the history and memory of the place. Increasingly, policies for the reuse ...
In this lecture, I would like to talk about deindustrialised communities, heritage and memory in the context of right-wing populism. Drawing on studies of memory and heritage, I argue that right-wing populists have cornered the market on talking about the past of deindustrialised communities. They have successfully misrepresented this rich and complex history to fuel rage, resentment, fear and reactionary nostalgia. Indeed, ‘the past’, and in particular the industr...
Thursday 1 September, 2022
Friday 2 September, 2022
In this meeting, TICCIH representatives from around the world will present work in the field of industrial heritage in their respective countries. The presentations are based on the national reports that TICCIH has gathered for the 2022 World Congress, but may emphasize particular matters. These can range across several fields where industrial heritage plays a role – from academic research and other forms of knowledge production, to heritage management a...
In this meeting, TICCIH representatives from around the world will present work in the field of industrial heritage in their respective countries. The presentations are based on the national reports that TICCIH has gathered for the 2022 World Congress, but may emphasize particular matters. These can range across several fields where industrial heritage plays a role – from academic research and other forms of knowledge production, to heritage management a...