Closing dinner
My Session Status
Come and share the good times of the congress and celebrate your scientific and professional discoveries in a former fruit jam factory, Usine C, built in 1913 and transformed at the end of the 1970s into a place for creation and dissemination.
Discover Montreal's gastronomy thanks to an exceptional caterer. Learn about Montreal's musical heritage and the history of the industrial district that brought it to life. Then hear and experience Quebec's musical tradition as you are carried away by the folkloric accents of our musicians!
Who's Attending
Loup-Marie Calosci
Geographe, Architecte
Laura Pacheco
TICCIH Mexique
Nerina Aguilar
TICCIH Mexique
Heidi Pinkepank
Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus / Institute for New Industrial Culture INIK
Kathryn Hannum
Michigan Tech University
Cristina Sucala
PhD Student
Ironbridge Interantional Institute for Cultural Heritage - University of Birmingham
Lisette Cloutier
Paul Smith
Comité d'Information et de liaison pour l''archéologie, l'étude et la mise en valeur du patrimoine industriel (CILAC)
Mr Gary Campbell
Toshihide Narita
Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology, Japan Industrial Archaeology Society
Karen Hoecker-Pérez
Project manager at the Pájarx entre Púas Foundation
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV)
Mark Allan Rhodes II
Assistant Professor of Geography
Michigan Technological University | Industrial Heritage and Archaeology Program
猛志 (ICHIHARA) 市原 (Takeshi)
Lecturer, Kumamoto Gakuen University
Japan Industrial Archaeology Society
Michael Prange
Professor for Advanced Materials Science
University of Applied science Georg Agricola
Markus Otto
Brandenburgische Technische Universität
Monika Schott
Deakin University Australia
MacLaren North
Extent Heritage
Clara Trojahn
IWTG TU Bergakademie Freiberg

23 other(s)