Nathanaël Wadbled
Nathanaël Wadbled est chercheur associé en sciences de l’information et de la communication à l’université de Tours (PRIM). Dans la perspective des critical heritage studies, il s’intéresse aux expériences non-patrimoniales des restes du passé. Après des travaux sur l’expérience de la confrontation à la mort au musée-mémorial d’Auschwitz-Birkenau, ses recherches portent sur celle environnementale des ruines abandonnées. Ces travaux ont systématiquement une dimension de recherche-action qui accompagnent une pratique de guide-conférencier.
Sessions in which Nathanaël Wadbled participates
martes 30 agosto, 2022
Sessions in which Nathanaël Wadbled attends
miércoles 31 agosto, 2022
North America has a large number of historic canals, which have been closed to commercial shipping due in part to the evolution of transportation (higher tonnage ships, trains, trucks, etc.). While some historic canals have been filled in, forgotten or disused, many have survived, in whole or in part, becoming attractive heritage sites. For some of these, the challenge is to reconcile the preservation of historic components with the need to keep their waterway accessible to navigation. Thi...
This tour offers an excursion on a privatized deck of Montreal's bateau-mouche; a playful guided tour that takes in some of the city's industrial landmarks from the St. Lawrence River.The tour is priced to cover additional costs; the fee includes access to the bateau-mouche, the tour and a drink.Departure will be on foot from the conference venue; boarding is at 3:45 p.m. at the l...