Alex Hubert
Je suis titulaire d’un baccalauréat en histoire de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, d’une maitrise en histoire de l’Université de Montréal et candidat au doctorat en muséologie, médiation, patrimoine à l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Je suis aussi coordinateur à la muséologie au Centre d’Histoire Arvida et membre de conseil d'administration de l'Association Québécoise pour le Patrimoine Industriel (AQPI). Dans le cadre de mes recherches, je m’intéresse aux identités collectives en contexte régional au Québec, au patrimoine industriel, ainsi qu'à l’histoire des villes de compagnies. Mon projet de thèse, sous la supervision de Jean-Marie Lafortune et Lucie K. Morisset, porte sur l’histoire de la patrimonialisation d’Arvida, d’abord conçue comme une utopie urbaine et aujourd'hui vécue comme une utopie patrimoniale.
Sessions in which Alex Hubert attends
domingo 28 agosto, 2022
Join the conference organisers and TICCIH board members for a welcome cocktail and some festive words of introduction, in the former forge of the École technique de Montréal, founded in 1909, now part of the Université du Québec à Montréal campus.
lunes 29 agosto, 2022
This session presents case studies and policy reviews that contribute to ongoing debate and international dialogue on the role of planning systems and conservation practices in addressing the challenges of citizen engagement—conserving local interests, place attachments alongside physical remnants of industrial heritage. Over the past half century, we have witnessed the development and changing focuses of urban planning and conservation discourses addressing industrial heritage. Relevant p...
Si la vallée du canal de Lachine a été le berceau de l’industrialisation canadienne, la géographie industrielle métropolitaine ne s’y est pas confinée, peu s’en faut, Outre les grandes concentrations d’entreprises des quartiers centraux, elle est constituée des réseaux infrastructuraux, d’une douzaine de centrales hydroélectriques et des ensembles manufacturiers disséminés dans une quinzaine de petites villes aujourd’hui intégrées dans l’aire métropolitaine. La conférence proposera un surv...
martes 30 agosto, 2022
This session will allow us to explore, through nine international case studies, the different strategies for the development of industrial heritage as well as their impacts on communities and their territory. The analysis of museums, cultural spaces, itineraries and urban developments will be an opportunity to highlight the questions of identity, meaning, relevance and impact that animate all the actors of this heritage in transformation.
Drawing on case studies from diverse social, cultural, and political contexts the papers in this session discuss the different responses to maintaining and assessing not only the physical sustainability of industrial heritage but also the sustainability of its social values and meaning.
As a "continent” country, in which industrialization began as early as the 19th century, Canada has seen through deindustrialization and urban redevelopment, parts of this heritage have been either altered or destroyed. Yet, Canada still possesses a very significant industrial heritage. With Canada being a confederation, approaches to the protection and the safeguard of its industrial heritage differs throughout the provinces and territories of the country. The same is true of i...
This session will allow us to explore, through nine international case studies, the different strategies for the development of industrial heritage as well as their impacts on communities and their territory. The analysis of museums, cultural spaces, itineraries and urban developments will be an opportunity to highlight the questions of identity, meaning, relevance and impact that animate all the actors of this heritage in transformation.
miércoles 31 agosto, 2022
L’architecture du XXe siècle, par les méthodes de construction, les matériaux utilisés et la conception des ouvrages est partie prenante du patrimoine industriel. S’intéresser aux nouveaux matériaux, ceux apparus et produits depuis le XIXe siècle, participe de cette connaissance de l’industrie et de ses traces matérielles et immatérielles.Lancée en janvier 2019 pour quatre ans, le programme de recherche ARCHIPAL, «&n...
In this lecture, I would like to talk about deindustrialised communities, heritage and memory in the context of right-wing populism. Drawing on studies of memory and heritage, I argue that right-wing populists have cornered the market on talking about the past of deindustrialised communities. They have successfully misrepresented this rich and complex history to fuel rage, resentment, fear and reactionary nostalgia. Indeed, ‘the past’, and in particular the industr...
jueves 1 septiembre, 2022
The South Central district is a former industrial and working-class neighbourhood with a rich and unique heritage. The visit will allow us to discover, among other things, the Macdonald Tobacco factory and the Raymond candy factory, the old workers' housing typical of the district, and the reuse of old buildings for cultural and community purposes. The activity will start at the Frontenac metro station and will end with a visit to the Écomusée du fier monde. Staff will be avail...
viernes 2 septiembre, 2022
In the refusal of people in communities abandoned by industrial capital to abandon their own places, we can read an implicit critique of the mobility and unaccountability of capital, raised by those who were once inside (however tenuously or uncomfortably) and now find themselves marginalized, “left behind.” The desire to catch up again, whether through attracting new investment or transvaluing abandoned sites as tourist attractions, makes this an essentially conservative critique that is ...