Nedhal is a Jordanian architect, academic, and researcher. He holds a master's degree in Architectural Conservation from the German Jordanian University in Amman, and a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the Applied Science University. Currently, He is on his PhD research proposal. He has had professional opportunities with over ten years of practical architectural experience, including documentation, restoration, and maintenance projects. Simultaneously, He is teaching at Al-Hussein Technical University in Amman as a part-time lecturer. He worked for three years at Vesreidag indutex GmbH, a German company that specialized in tensile structures. After that, he worked for more than six years as a project manager at one of the leading companies specializing in materials and construction chemicals, Ar-Rakaez Construction, where he worked on several conservation and maintenance projects in both Jordan and Iraq. He participated in a UNESCO program for preventive heritage preservation in Petra, and he's just finished documenting one of the significant archeological sites in Jordan, the Umayyad bath complex at al-Muwaqqar, in cooperation with the German Embassy in Jordan. At present, he is preparing two research papers on the same topic. Lastly, he recently joined both TICCIH and ICOMOS-Jordan as a member.
Sessions in which Nedhal Jarrar participates
martes 30 agosto, 2022
viernes 2 septiembre, 2022
Sessions in which Nedhal Jarrar attends
domingo 28 agosto, 2022
Explore the banks of the Lachine Canal, the cradle of industry in Canada. Benefiting from access to hydraulic power, maritime and rail transport, large numbers of industrial facilities were built along its length. Thousands of Montrealers have lived and worked there. The banks of the canal are now a linear park, and the site of many residential developments.A walking tour designed and guided by Heritage Montréal. The visit will be in French and will...
Join the conference organisers and TICCIH board members for a welcome cocktail and some festive words of introduction, in the former forge of the École technique de Montréal, founded in 1909, now part of the Université du Québec à Montréal campus.
lunes 29 agosto, 2022
martes 30 agosto, 2022
Cette proposition de session focalise sur le patrimoine industriel colonial. A partir de trois cas, au Sénégal, au Tchad et à Taïwan, il s’agit de s’interroger sur les controverses et la possibilité d’utilisation du passé colonial. Le premier cas est le Sénégal, un pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, dont l’industrialisation a été menée par la France afin de profiter des riches matières premières locales ; le deuxième est le Tchad, en Afrique centrale, et in...
Industrialization processes have been global from their very beginning. However, their interpretation still tends to be limited to specific locations or regions, and to specific time periods. Regularly, for example, it is stated that the industrial revolution started in Europe, from where it spread to the world, supposedly bringing technological and social progress to „less developed“ countries. Earlier periods of technology and knowledge transfer processes, that were already in place in t...
miércoles 31 agosto, 2022
Industrialization processes have been global from their very beginning. However, their interpretation still tends to be limited to specific locations or regions, and to specific time periods. Regularly, for example, it is stated that the industrial revolution started in Europe, from where it spread to the world, supposedly bringing technological and social progress to „less developed“ countries. Earlier periods of technology and knowledge transfer processes, that were already in place in t...
jueves 1 septiembre, 2022
From its construction to its restoration, immerse yourself in the now and then of this key Canadian industrial heritage site. A country’s central maritime route, a major inland port, the Canadian Lowell (using hydraulic power), the cradle of industrialization, Smokey Valley (using steam), a manufacturing hotspot, the Lachine Canal is all of this and more. For it is also a national historic site, for which
viernes 2 septiembre, 2022
Walkers will meet at the entrance (there is only one) of Lionel Groulx Metro and from there walk along the canal to the St-Gabriel Locks. This was once the most heavily industrialized area in Canada. It is now a zone of affluence between the hardscrabble, but now gentrifying, Point Saint-Charles, historically Irish and French, and Little Burgundy, one of Montreal's first multi-racial neighbourhoods. Several former factories were converted into condominiums in the...
In this meeting, TICCIH representatives from around the world will present work in the field of industrial heritage in their respective countries. The presentations are based on the national reports that TICCIH has gathered for the 2022 World Congress, but may emphasize particular matters. These can range across several fields where industrial heritage plays a role – from academic research and other forms of knowledge production, to heritage management a...