Ana Rosa Chagas Cavalcanti studied architecture and urbanism in Brazil (2004-2009, UFAL).Her thesis about Shortage Architecture, an embedded research in the Favela Sururu the Capote, culminated with a graduation with distinction and an indication to Opera Prima 2009 (prize for best Brazilian graduation thesis).She worked at Bijari (S. Paulo, 2010) and at Triptyque Architecture (S. Paulo/Paris, 2011).In 2012, she concluded her Master (La Sapienza / ENSA Paris-Val-de-Seine), and in 2013, she worked as guest researcher on Urban Design at University of Hamburg .She is currently a Ph.D.Candidate at the Delft University of Technology supported by a Sciences without Borders Scholarship. Furthermore, she was awarded the architectural competition 72HUA first prize (Terni, 2012) and she exhibited some participatory urban interventions at architecture exhibitions such as IBA Hamburg (Hamburg, 2013) and the Biennial of Public Spaces (Rome, 2015). The Brazilian architecture magazine "AU" and the online platform ARCHITECTUREINDEVELOPMENT have published some of her collaborative design projects, in 2014. In 2014, back in Brazil, she founded the "School of Favela Architecture" (Maceió, 2014 -), a place where favela inhabitants and academics can share knowledge on architecture. This work unfolded an Exhibition at UCL Cities Methodologies (London, 2014), as well as articles at EURAU 2014 (Istanbul, 2014), at Favelissues.com (Berkeley, 2015) and at the 15thNAERUS(Brussels, 2014), Bartlett Development Unit, i-Rec (London, 2015), Vitruvius (S. Paulo, 2015) and it has received a positive critique from HDM editors (Cambridge-USA, 2015).Recently she was awarded with the IJURR fellowship Authors meet critics 2015” (Harvard University, UCLA, Sciences Po, ETH Zurich, LSE, University of Brussels, University of Manchester, University of Cambridge, Charles University, Northeastern University, University of Leeds, Uppsala University, University of Milan Bicocca, C Charles University, , University of Leeds, Uppsala University, University of Milan Bicocca, CSIC Madrid).She also has been selected to participate at the Whonungsfrage Academy 2015 (HKW+Columbia Buel Center, 2015).
Sessions auxquelles Ana Rosa Chagas Cavalcanti participe
Dimanche 5 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 -
9:30 |
30 minutes