Dr Eva Löfgren
Recent publications (selection): Svenska kyrkans kulturarv. En forskningsöversikt 2009-2014. co-authors Erika Persson and Ola Wetterberg, Göteborg, 2014, När Gud blir sambo med kulturen, co-author Henrik Lindblad Svenska Dagbladet 2014, Close, yet far away. On spatial integration and segregation in Swedish district courts, Gardens of Justice, Stockholm 2012, This is not a courthouse, in Legal stagings The vizualisation, medialization and ritualization of law in language, literature, media, art and architecture Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen 2012.
Sessions auxquelles Dr Eva Löfgren participe
Samedi 4 Juin, 2016
Since the beginning of the 19th century religious buildings and artefacts of the West have been involved in a continuous process of musealization. In the time-period subsequent to the Second World War, the general forces of secularisation increasingly turned religious buildings, most of them churches, into heritage and substantial parts of Christian practices into history. On a global scale (Western), conservation and heritage practices have been applied on tangible and intangible expressions...
Sessions auxquelles Dr Eva Löfgren assiste
Vendredi 3 Juin, 2016
Working with archival documents and the current-day morphology of the Grey Nuns' site, Dr Cynthia Hammond, Dr Shauna Janssen, in collaboration with Dr Jill Didur, will curate a series of installations and performances that speak directly to the rich heritage of a specific urban landscape: the gardens of the Grey Nuns' Motherhouse, now part of the Concordia University downtown campus. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the lost working gardens of the Grey Nuns. As with other such...
Samedi 4 Juin, 2016
What if we changed our views on heritage? And if heritage has already changed? While, on the global scene, states maintain their leading role in the mobilization of social and territorial histories, on the local scale, regions, neighbourhoods and parishes have changed. Citizens and communities too: they latch on to heritage to express an unprecedented range of belongings that no law seems to be able to take measures to contain, often to the discontent of...
Dimanche 5 Juin, 2016
With his expression "ceci tuera cela," Hugo established almost two centuries ago a strong link between words and stones as transmission vehicles of human memory. We heritage experts would be inclined to consider stones as more reliable than words, what semiology seems to confirm: stones are clues, and clues are, according to Roland Barthes, tangible proofs of “what has been.” But the inspector Columbo has often shown how we can play with these clues, and Umberto Eco would easily forgive us th...
Lundi 6 Juin, 2016
__ Please note that this session is scheduled in a distant location from the main conference; transportation will be provided to registered participants. Bus pick-up is scheduled at 7:30 AM in front of the DS Building (320 Saint Catherine East street, on the UQAM site and will return for 7:00 PM at the same location. Please wear your badge. ___ Veuillez noter que cet atelier est à l'extérieur de Montréal. Les délégués qui se seront enregistrés seront transporté...
Mardi 7 Juin, 2016
Dans la tradition occidentale, le patrimoine culturel trouverait ses fondements «dans le concept chrétien de l’héritage sacré de la foi» (Babelon et Chastel 1994), dont la conservation des objets religieux sous l’Antiquité et le culte des reliques seraient les prémices. Posant alors le principe du «transfert de sacralité», on emprunta le vocabulaire et les techniques du premier pour construire le second, qualifiant ainsi le fait patrimonial comme le culte laïc des productions humaines. Le sac...
The roundtable will explore ideas around the concept of insignificance. That is, how things are judged to be unimportant, not worthy of conservation, meaningless, or without substantive power or influence. We will examine this notion in relation to the history, theory, and practical application of significance as a concept and method in heritage. In short, we will discuss the significance of insignificance. The notion of ‘significance’ is central to heritage conservation in many pa...
The closing dinner of the conference, called “Pawâ” according to a French-Canadian tradition borrowed from the Native American lexicon, will be an opportunity to discover, in the heart of the Old Port of Montreal, an original culinary creation by the caterer Agnus Dei, from the renowned Maison Cartier-Besson in Montreal, leader in its field for its boundless creativity and event expertise. The dinner, in the form of stations, will offer delegates an exploration of Quebecois culinary heritage,...