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Dr Yiping Dong

Department of Architecture, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Participe à 1 Session

Sessions auxquelles Dr Yiping Dong participe

Samedi 4 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Sessions auxquelles Dr Yiping Dong assiste

Vendredi 3 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:30 - 13:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Urban HeritageTourism

What does heritage change for tourism? | Le patrimoine, ça change quoi au tourisme? Ce débat veut interroger les relations entre le tourisme et le patrimoine et dépasser ainsi les idées reçues sur l'antagonisme entre le tourisme "corrupteur" et le patrimoine qui en serait la victime. Il s'agit donc de repenser le tourisme comme un réel acteur du patrimoine, de sa valorisation et de son appropriation, y compris par les populations locales. Cela présuppose, au p...

Martine Lizotte


Pierre Mathieu


France Lessard


David Mendel

12:30 - 17:30 | 5 heures
14:30 - 16:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Co-Construction and Community Based HeritageUrban HeritageActivists and ExpertsArchitecture and Urbanism

Qu’est-ce que le patrimoine change à Montréal? Qu’est-ce que Montréal change au patrimoine? Ce débat vise à mettre en discussion l'évolution et le devenir du patrimoine dans la métropole du Québec en interrogeant les motifs de l'attachement (ou de l'indifférence) de la société civile et des décideurs, mais aussi en questionnant les moyens dont ils disposent pour agir sur le patrimoine. Au-delà de la fameuse "pierre grise" et des matériaux expressifs de l'identité historique de Montré...

Guillaume Ethier


France St-Jean


Luc Ferrandez


Dinu Bumbaru

17:00 - 19:30 | 2 heures 30 minutes
Festive Event

Welcome addresses and cocktail, followed by the Concordia Signature Event "The Garden of the Grey Nuns". As the opening ceremony and cocktail take place in the former Grey Nuns' Motherhouse, recycled into campus residence and reading rooms by Concordia University,  delegates will also have the possibility to discover the video Three Grey Nuns (3 minutes, by Ron Rudin and Phil Lichti. Three Grey Nuns recount their memories of communal life in the Grey Nun’s Motherhouse.  Built...

Samedi 4 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
8:00 - 17:00 | 9 heures

Le patrimoine, ça change quoi ? Ou plutôt, qu'est-ce que c'est ? Et pour qui ? Ces questions sont à l'origine de cette exposition conçue par les étudiants à la maîtrise en muséologie UQAM-UdeM. L'opinion de la communauté uqamienne y est confrontée à des citations de chercheurs, avec comme résultat une mise en perspective originale du discours sur le patrimoine. __ How is heritage important? Or rather, what is heritage? And for whom? Those questions are at the core of this e...

13:30 - 15:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Heritage Changes the Local Societies
Heritage changes the local societiesheritage and mobilityPost-colonial heritageGlobal vs local

Many people are actively using working class heritage as a resource to reflect on the past and the present, and there is a growing tendency for the heritage of working class people to be interpreted and presented to the public in museums and heritage sites—see for example the Worklab network of museums. Working class communities and organizations also play active roles in creating a memory of their own past, and mobilizing this to sustain political action in the present. Drawing on scho...

13:30 - 17:00 | 3 heures 30 minutes
Heritage Changes the Living EnvironmentIndustrial HeritageUrban HeritageArchitecture and Urbanism
Heritage changes the environmentHeritage values

In many parts of Europe and North America, but also in Australia, Japan and parts of China, regions of heavy industry, in particular regions of coal and steel industries, have been in decline since the 1960s. In many of these regions, the transition to post-industrial landscapes has provoked discussions surrounding industrial heritage, what to do with it and for which purposes. One of the most ambitious industrial heritage projects was initiated in the Ruhr region of Germany from the 1960s on...

13:30 - 17:00 | 3 heures 30 minutes
Changes in Heritage (New Manifestations)Notions of HeritageUrban HeritageTourism
Changes in heritageNew manifestations of heritageNotions of heritage

The contemporary movement of heritagization, characterized by a multiple expansion (typological, chronological, spatial) of heritage and of heritage producers (local actors, inhabitants, social groups, national states, international players), nourishes also the production of alternative heritage. By this expression, we wish to focus on non-institutional, dissonant, under-recognized heritage, located on the “pioneer front” of contemporary heritage production. Alter-heritage represents, therefo...

15:30 - 17:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Heritage Changes the Local SocietiesNotions of Heritage
17:00 - 18:00 | 1 heure
Festive Event

This festive event will offer delegates a taste of one of the iconic dishes of Montreal, the smoked meat sandwich, imported by Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe in the early 20th century. In particular, the tasting will allow a discovery of the products of the renowned international institution Schwartz's, the Hebrew Delicatessen for which Montrealers and tourists alike are willing to wait in long line-ups. During the tasting, “Chez Schwartz,” a documentary produced by Garry B...

18:30 - 20:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Public event
Simultaneous translation - Traduction simultanée

Most of what we experience as heritage emerges into conscious recognition through a complex mixture of political and ideological filters, including nationalism.  In these processes, through a variety of devices (museums, scholarly research, consumer reproduction, etc.), dualistic classifications articulate a powerful hierarchy of value and significance.  In particular, the tangible-intangible pair, given legitimacy by such international bodies as UNESCO, reproduces a selective ordering of cul...

Dimanche 5 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
7:00 - 9:00 | 2 heures
Public event

Canal: Walking the Post-Industrial Lachine Canal (COHDS, 2013 - bilingual) is an audio-walk and booklet that takes listeners from the Atwater Market to the Saint Gabriel Lock, exploring the post-industrial transformation of a once heavily industrialized area. The Lachine Canal area has undergone dramatic changes, as mills and factories were closed and then demolished or converted into high-end condominiums. The adjoining working-class neighbourhoods ...

Steven High

9:00 - 9:30 | 30 minutes
9:00 - 12:30 | 3 heures 30 minutes
Heritage Changes the Living EnvironmentHeritage Changes Politics
Heritage changes the environmentHeritage values

In many emerging economies of the Global South, new urban mega-projects are strategically reviving heritage into simulacra, copies without originals, intended to sell places. We refer to these projects collectively as "New Built Heritage." This type differs from earlier constructions of heritage by canonical state institutions such as museums and ministries of culture in the way its main goal is to differentiate and market places rather than solely to shape collective identities. This session...

9:00 - 12:30 | 3 heures 30 minutes
Heritage Changes the Living EnvironmentUrban HeritageTourismActivists and ExpertsArchitecture and Urbanism
Heritage changes the environmentHeritage values

With his expression "ceci tuera cela," Hugo established almost two centuries ago a strong link between words and stones as transmission vehicles of human memory. We heritage experts would be inclined to consider stones as more reliable than words, what semiology seems to confirm: stones are clues, and clues are, according to Roland Barthes, tangible proofs of “what has been.” But the inspector Columbo has often shown how we can play with these clues, and Umberto Eco would easily forgive us th...

14:00 - 15:30 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Co-Construction and Community Based HeritageHeritage Changes the Social OrderCitizenshipPublic event
Simultaneous translation - Traduction simultanée

"What does heritage change?" is a multifaceted  question to which the answer(s) are in primary respects related to real-life negotiations among different groups of citizens, cultures, races, ethnic groups, sexual identities, and social classes about received, official and/or widely accepted or accomodated intangible attributes, cultural traditions, historic monuments, buildings, and other transmitted or revived historical legacies. Heritage designated by and for whom, for what motivations, an...

19:00 - 21:00 | 2 heures
Public event

Directed by Tom Fassaert and presented by Marc Jacobs. ___ Doel, a Belgian village near the Dutch border, is disappearing quickly and deliberately. Not because of the four old nuclear reactors on its territory, but because the Flemish government decided that the village might block projects for new docks for the Antwerp harbour, plans developed since the 1960s. In the 21st century this process of officially encouraged depopulation is coming to an end: 2500 inhabitants i...

Lundi 6 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
7:00 - 9:00 | 2 heures
Public event

La Pointe: L’autre bord de la track / The Other Side of the Tracks (COHDS /Public History Students, 2015 - bilingual) takes walkers into a working-class neighbourhood that has undergone massive deindustrialization and is now gentrifying. Pointe-Saint-Charles is also known for its place-based activism and strong neighbourhood identity. Produced by the oral history students in Steven High’s Working Class Public History course, working closely with two other cl...

Steven High

9:00 - 10:30 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Heritage Changes PlaceCo-Construction and Community Based HeritageIndustrial HeritageOral HistoryUrban HeritagePublic event
Heritage changes placeCo-construction of heritageCommunity-based heritageHeritage makers

In recent years, there has been a great deal of debate surrounding so-called ruin gazing and the politics of representing industrial or urban ruination. Recent years have seen photographers, artists, film-makers, urban explorers, scholars and others flood into newly deindustrialized areas to record signs of ruins and abandonment, prompting a public backlash against the hipster commodification of misery. Some have gone so far as to call the voyeuristic appeal of industrial or urban ruinatio...

9:00 - 15:00 | 6 heures
Heritage Changes PoliticsHeritage in ConflictsUrban HeritageArchitecture and Urbanism
Heritage changes politicsPolitical uses of heritageUses of heritageHeritage and conflicts

This session seeks to explore the role of urban heritage in mediating and contesting political conflict in the context of divided cities. We take urban heritage in a broad sense to include places left, scarred or transformed by geo-political dispute, national and ethnic division, violence and war. The case studies can include tangible spaces such as elements of border architecture, historic sites, ruins and urban traces of the conflict, and memorials; as well as intangible elements of city, i...

9:00 - 10:30 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Heritage Changes the PoliciesTourism
Heritage changes the policiesHeritage policiesGlobal vs local

The Manifesto of the Association for Critical Heritage Studies (2011) argues for a more critical approach to heritage: heritage from below, writ large, in service of society. The integration of heritage and museum studies with those of community, development, memory, planning, public history and tourism is urged in the Manifesto, as is opening up to other disciplinary traditions such as anthropology, political science and sociology, for dialogue and collaboration on external research and poli...

13:30 - 15:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Changes in Heritage (New Manifestations)Notions of HeritagePublic event
Changes in heritageNew manifestations of heritageNotions of heritage

This proposal makes the case that heritage’s capacity for change may be dependent on a paradigm shift in how heritage is interpreted. With this paradigm shift in play, a question is then asked: Can authenticity be used as a design driver to resolve how best to incorporate the four pillars of sustainability in a building’s design? The proposal begins with a discussion about the difference between using heritage reactively and proactively. It then presents a brief introduction to the...

18:00 - 19:00 | 1 heure
Festive Event

To celebrate our film series dedicated to heritage, sponsored by the Department of American Studies at the University of Maryland and the United States Chapter of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, this event will spotlight the iconic Sugar Shack, which is rooted from Quebec to New-England and which is both the place of maple syrup production and of friendly gatherings during the maple syrup season. In a festive atmosphere, delegates will be invited to taste one of the essential of...

19:00 - 19:35 | 35 minutes
Public event

Directed by William Shewbridge and Michelle Stefano USA; 35 mins Presented by Michelle Stefano ___ After 125 years of operation, the Sparrows Point Steel Mill (Baltimore, Maryland) finally closed its doors in 2012. The film, “Mill Stories”, examines the importance of the mill from the perspectives of former workers and community members while connecting their story to the larger narrative of industrial boom and bust. The film seeks to amplify the voices of forme...

Mardi 7 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
7:30 - 8:45 | 1 heure 15 minutes
Public event

(en français) Le centre-ville a été au cœur de nombreuses luttes depuis les années 1970. Le parcours proposé par Martin Drouin, historien, professeur au département d’études urbaines et touristiques de l’Université du Québec à Montréal, présentera quelques combats qui ont marqué la scène patrimoniale et transformé le paysage urbain montréalais. _ Downtown Montreal has been at the centre of numerous struggles since the 1970’s. The itinerary proposed by Martin Drouin, historia...

7:30 - 8:30 | 1 heure
Public event

(in English, subtitled in French) The documentary Citizen Lambert: Joan of Architecture directed in 2007 by Teri Wehn-Damisch offers a lively and intimate portrait of Phyllis Lambert, founding director of the Canadian Centre for Architecture. Her career as an activist and a visionary has contributed to the transformation of Montreal’s urban and cultural environment. _ Le documentaire Citizen Lambert : Jeanne d’Architecture réalisé en 2007 par Teri Wehn-Damisch propose le por...

9:00 - 9:30 | 30 minutes
9:00 - 15:00 | 6 heures
Changes in Heritage (New Manifestations)Notions of HeritageIndustrial HeritageIntangible HeritageUrban HeritageArchitecture and Urbanism
Changes in heritageNew manifestations of heritageNotions of heritage

While intangible cultural heritage is an important factor in maintaining cultural diversity in the face of growing globalization, there is still little appreciation of its value. UNESCO endorsed the importance of intangible cultural heritage not only as a cultural manifestation but also, and more importantly, as a wealth of knowledge and skills that are transmitted through generations. We invite paper contributions that address multiple ways of understanding, recognizing, valuing, and p...

9:00 - 15:00 | 6 heures
Notions of HeritageHeritage Changes Itself (Geographical and Linguistic Processes of Transformation)
Heritage changes itselfHeritage and geographyLinguistic transformation of heritageNotions of heritage

As the interface between past and present, heritage is deeply involved in articulations of personal and group identity, working to unite and harmonize group relations, and, simultaneously causing frictions, fractions, and violence. Critical heritage theory reveals that values and approaches to heritage are articulated both within and across regions (such as Asia, or Europe). A vital, and as yet unanswered, question centres on the degree to which heritage in Asia fundamentally differs from ...

9:00 - 15:00 | 6 heures
Heritage Changes the Social OrderCitizenship
Heritage changes peopleActivist vs expertHeritage-makers

In exploring the broader question “What does heritage change?” this session presents work that is extending heritage policies and practices beyond elite cultural narratives. Using diverse disciplinary perspectives and drawing from case studies around the world, the presenters explore contexts in which stakeholders’ perspectives and choices have been catalysts for change, democratized knowledge, or exposed gaps in contemporary heritage practices. The case studies reveal complex and often conte...

9:00 - 15:00 | 6 heures
Heritage Changes PlaceCo-Construction and Community Based HeritageActivists and Experts
Heritage changes placeCo-construction of heritageCommunity-based heritageHeritage makers

Involving communities, visitors or the public is frequently presented as one of the major tasks of museums and heritage sites in current global movements toward new collaborative paradigms (Golding and Modest 2013; Watson and Waterton 2011). Co-production is a highly current issue, and a proposed emancipatory solution to the authorized heritage discourse, which seemingly has reached a critical juncture. Scholarship has echoed calls from communities for more direct involvement in the presentat...

9:00 - 15:00 | 6 heures
Heritage as an Agent of Change (Epistemologies, Ontologies, Teaching)Urban HeritageArchitecture and Urbanism
Heritage as an agent of changeEpistemologiesOntologiesTeaching

This session proposes a critical and epistemological reflection on sustainable urban heritage conservation. Recent research on the management of urban heritage following its conservation process is characterized by a growing number of studies that aim to provide an overview of how to assess the sustainability of existing practices. This dominant focus of the research has contributed to the development of indicators and approaches to sustainable development in this field. In addition, it has a...

9:00 - 17:00 | 8 heures
Heritage as an Agent of Change (Epistemologies, Ontologies, Teaching)Urban HeritageArchitecture and Urbanism

Cities are growingly being faced by social, economic, cultural and environmental challenges imposing health and social risks. Rapid urbanization, population growth, climate change are only some of the major global challenges that a 21st century city needs to respond to. The current challenging global environment has led to the development of new approaches to the concept of "sustainable city" a city that caters for current and future generation. For instance, the idea of smart city (a city th...

9:00 - 9:30 | 30 minutes
13:00 - 14:30 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Research-Creation Installation or PerformanceHeritage as an Agent of Change (Epistemologies, Ontologies, Teaching)Oral History
Heritage as an agent of changeEpistemologiesOntologiesTeaching

An experiment in moving memory, this live event bridges public and academic space to re-imagine knowledge exchange, creation and impact. Around the globe the planning of large-scale memorial-museum projects concerned with violent histories are frequently marred by conflict, omission, and competitions of victimhood. This problem also extends to scholarship on genocide and memory. “Moving Memory: difficult histories in dialogue” is a collaborative multi-sited research exhibiti...

13:30 - 15:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Heritage as an Agent of Change (Epistemologies, Ontologies, Teaching)Activists and ExpertsPublic event
Heritage as an agent of changeEpistemologiesOntologiesTeaching

The roundtable will explore ideas around the concept of insignificance. That is, how things are judged to be unimportant, not worthy of conservation, meaningless, or without substantive power or influence. We will examine this notion in relation to the history, theory, and practical application of significance as a concept and method in heritage. In short, we will discuss the significance of insignificance. The notion of ‘significance’ is central to heritage conservation in many pa...

19:00 - 23:00 | 4 heures
Festive Event

The closing dinner of the conference, called “Pawâ” according to a French-Canadian tradition borrowed from the Native American lexicon, will be an opportunity to discover, in the heart of the Old Port of Montreal, an original culinary creation by the caterer Agnus Dei, from the renowned Maison Cartier-Besson in Montreal, leader in its field for its boundless creativity and event expertise. The dinner, in the form of stations, will offer delegates an exploration of Quebecois culinary heritage,...

Mercredi 8 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
8:30 - 11:45 | 3 heures 15 minutes

||| This loop crosses the forest to the top of Mount Royal allowing a discovery of its fauna and flora. Beautiful views offer a unique perspective of the city and its history, including that of the Chalet which offers a stunning view all the way to the river. The tour includes a stop at the Smith House, headquarters of Les amis de la montagne. The house holds, among others, the permanent exhibition "Mount Royal, A Territory" which offers a comprehensive overview of Mount Royal: its history...

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