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Pijika Pumketkao

UMR AUSser « Architecture, Urbanistique, Société : savoirs, enseignement, recherche » - CNos - Ecole d'architecture de Paris-Belleville
Participe à 1 Session
Pijika Pumketkao-Lecourt est architecte du patrimoine, doctorante en architecture à l’Université Paris-Est, ED « Ville, Transports et Territoires », sous la direction de Nathalie Lancret, en cotutelle avec E. Anukukyudhathon, Université de Kasetsart, Bangkok. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme d’architecte à l’Université de Kasetsart, elle a travaillé au sein d’un cabinet d’architectes menant des projets de restauration au nord de la Thaïlande. Elle a ensuite approfondi ses connaissances du patrimoine à l’Ecole de Chaillot à Paris. Lors d’un stage auprès de l’architecte en chef des monuments historiques Thierry Algrin, elle a contribué à deux études préalables à des projets de restauration, sur l’abbaye troglodytique Saint-Roman de l’Aiguille à Beaucaire et sur l’abbaye Notre-Dame d’Ourscamp. Depuis 2011, Pijika encadre avec Cyril Ros l’Atelier Siem Reap et Chiang Mai, masters 1 et 2 de l’ENSA Paris-Belleville, en coopération avec les universités de Chulalongkorn et de Chiang Mai. Depuis 2014, elle coordonne le projet de recherche « Patrimot, les mots du patrimoine dans le projet architectural et urbain en Asie du Sud-Est : circulation, réception, création ». Ses recherches l’amènent à étudier l’importation et la mise en place de la notion de patrimoine dans un contexte local, ainsi que les controverses, les mécanismes de négociation et de redéfinition du champ patrimonial par les autorités nationales et les populations locales.

Sessions auxquelles Pijika Pumketkao participe

Samedi 4 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Sessions auxquelles Pijika Pumketkao assiste

Vendredi 3 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
13:00 - 15:00 | 2 heures
Heritage as an Agent of Change (Epistemologies, Ontologies, Teaching)

This forum will explore the current directions of critical heritage studies and what makes ACHS distinctive. Panel members will discuss what the term critical means to them, and what directions they would like to see develop in the future. To help develop an open dialogue, the session will also give considerable time to contributions from the audience.  

17:00 - 19:30 | 2 heures 30 minutes
Festive Event

Welcome addresses and cocktail, followed by the Concordia Signature Event "The Garden of the Grey Nuns". As the opening ceremony and cocktail take place in the former Grey Nuns' Motherhouse, recycled into campus residence and reading rooms by Concordia University,  delegates will also have the possibility to discover the video Three Grey Nuns (3 minutes, by Ron Rudin and Phil Lichti. Three Grey Nuns recount their memories of communal life in the Grey Nun’s Motherhouse.  Built...

Samedi 4 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
13:30 - 17:00 | 3 heures 30 minutes
Changes in Heritage (New Manifestations)Notions of HeritageUrban HeritageTourism
Changes in heritageNew manifestations of heritageNotions of heritage

The contemporary movement of heritagization, characterized by a multiple expansion (typological, chronological, spatial) of heritage and of heritage producers (local actors, inhabitants, social groups, national states, international players), nourishes also the production of alternative heritage. By this expression, we wish to focus on non-institutional, dissonant, under-recognized heritage, located on the “pioneer front” of contemporary heritage production. Alter-heritage represents, therefo...

13:30 - 17:00 | 3 heures 30 minutes
Notions of HeritageHeritage Changes Itself (Geographical and Linguistic Processes of Transformation)

Le patrimoine recouvre des notions et des pratiques, et désigne des objets, dont « [la] perte constitue un sacrifice et [dont la] conservation suppose des sacrifices » (Chastel et Babelon 1980). En amont de ces productions de significations et perceptions sociales, ces notions et les modes de désignation diffèrent selon les univers linguistiques, géographiques, et temporels, alors que, sous la pression d’un ‘algorithme universalisant’ (Merleau-Ponty 1969), un processus de normalisation est...

17:00 - 18:00 | 1 heure
Festive Event

This festive event will offer delegates a taste of one of the iconic dishes of Montreal, the smoked meat sandwich, imported by Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe in the early 20th century. In particular, the tasting will allow a discovery of the products of the renowned international institution Schwartz's, the Hebrew Delicatessen for which Montrealers and tourists alike are willing to wait in long line-ups. During the tasting, “Chez Schwartz,” a documentary produced by Garry B...

18:30 - 20:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Public event
Simultaneous translation - Traduction simultanée

Most of what we experience as heritage emerges into conscious recognition through a complex mixture of political and ideological filters, including nationalism.  In these processes, through a variety of devices (museums, scholarly research, consumer reproduction, etc.), dualistic classifications articulate a powerful hierarchy of value and significance.  In particular, the tangible-intangible pair, given legitimacy by such international bodies as UNESCO, reproduces a selective ordering of cul...

Dimanche 5 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 - 12:30 | 3 heures 30 minutes
Changes in Heritage (New Manifestations)Notions of HeritageTourism
Changes in heritageNew manifestations of heritageNotions of heritage

The constructed and political nature of heritage claims is now acknowledged across the disciplines, and increasingly even among heritage professionals. But already Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger, in their seminal The invention of tradition, had proclaimed that “all invented traditions, so far as possible, use history as a legitimator of action and cement of group cohesion” (1983:12). So rather than simply diagnosing heritage as being constructed, as such (ab-)use of history, their challenge...

Lundi 6 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 - 9:15 | 15 minutes
9:00 - 12:30 | 3 heures 30 minutes
Heritage Changes the Social OrderActivists and ExpertsPublic event
Heritage changes peopleActivist vs expertHeritage-makers

As recent publications have demonstrated, the role of the expert in heritage conservation is a relevant, indeed imperative topic of discussion. On the one hand, the knowledge required to work in the field has evolved over time in response to changes in the definition of heritage. Once the exclusive domain of architects and historians, the expertise needed today draws on a broader scope of disciplines including urban planning, landscape studies, anthropology, economics and climatology, often m...

9:00 - 15:00 | 6 heures
Heritage Changes the Social Order
Heritage changes peopleActivist vs expertHeritage-makers

Heritage processes vary according to cultural, national, geographical and historical contexts. Since the late 1980s, the phenomenon of contestation in heritage has been increasingly recognized. However, there is still little detailed and situated knowledge about the range of actors present in contestations, the variety of strategies they pursue, the reasoning behind their choices, the networks they develop, and how, from all this, heritage has been and is constructed. More often than not, con...

9:00 - 12:30 | 3 heures 30 minutes
Heritage Changes PoliticsHeritage in Conflicts

Dans le cadre d’une réflexion pluridisciplinaire croisant anthropologie, archéologie, architecture, géographie, histoire, politologie, cette séance propose des lectures empiriques du patrimoine matériel et immatériel en situation conflictuelle. Le patrimoine sera interrogé en tant que construction sociale à valeur symbolique, catalyseur d’appropriation et/ou de fabrications identitaires et objet de discours mémoriels.   Dans des contextes politiques autoritaires, et où la contestat...

Mardi 7 Juin, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 - 17:00 | 8 heures
Notions of HeritageHeritage Changes Itself (Geographical and Linguistic Processes of Transformation)TourismActivists and Experts
Heritage changes itselfHeritage and geographyLinguistic transformation of heritageNotions of heritage

To date, there has been much scholarly discussion and critique about how ideas and policies of "heritage" may be operating globally. There have also been ethnographic studies providing "on the ground" perspectives. In this session, we aim to establish a bridge between local-level empirical study and global heritage discourse. By addressing "heritage" in relation to processes of modernization and globalization in East Asia, we seek to investigate the dynamic communication between global herita...

9:00 - 15:00 | 6 heures
Heritage Changes the Social OrderMuseumsActivists and Experts

The second half of the 20th century saw the affirmation of national and international heritage administrations run by teams of experts that mutually validated each other’s knowledge and findings. The emergence of new forms of heritage, new collections and international networks related to museums, or other heritage structures, has led to the development of numerous new or reformulated specialities. In the last two decades a new ideal of heritage has gained ground, one based on communities ...

9:00 - 15:00 | 6 heures
Notions of HeritageHeritage Changes Itself (Geographical and Linguistic Processes of Transformation)
Heritage changes itselfHeritage and geographyLinguistic transformation of heritageNotions of heritage

As the interface between past and present, heritage is deeply involved in articulations of personal and group identity, working to unite and harmonize group relations, and, simultaneously causing frictions, fractions, and violence. Critical heritage theory reveals that values and approaches to heritage are articulated both within and across regions (such as Asia, or Europe). A vital, and as yet unanswered, question centres on the degree to which heritage in Asia fundamentally differs from ...

15:30 - 17:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes
Heritage Changes the Policies
Heritage changes the policiesHeritage policiesGlobal vs local

What is the future of the UK and what is the role of heritage in this shifting political landscape? How have debates on heritage in the UK changed since the influential critiques of Hewison and Wright in the 1980s? How can those engaged in Critical Heritage Studies in the UK negotiate the difficult relationship between academic critique and sector relevance? How do current debates in the UK relate to and differ from those in Western and non-Western contexts? This workshop will bring ...

19:00 - 23:00 | 4 heures
Festive Event

The closing dinner of the conference, called “Pawâ” according to a French-Canadian tradition borrowed from the Native American lexicon, will be an opportunity to discover, in the heart of the Old Port of Montreal, an original culinary creation by the caterer Agnus Dei, from the renowned Maison Cartier-Besson in Montreal, leader in its field for its boundless creativity and event expertise. The dinner, in the form of stations, will offer delegates an exploration of Quebecois culinary heritage,...