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Post-Conference Tour: From River to Mountain: A First Encounter with Montreal

Mon statut pour la session

13:30, Mercredi 8 Juin 2016 (3 heures)
UQAM, pavillon J.-A. De Sève (DS) - DS Registration table (meeting point)
This tour requires a minimum number of participants. Please « sign up » before May 15th; we will then open the paying registration for the tour.
Cette excursion requiert un nombre minimal de participants. Veuillez utiliser le bouton « s’inscrire » pour manifester votre intérêt avant le 15 mai; à cette date, nous ouvrirons l’inscription officielle avec paiement.

Founded in 1642 by a group of ultra-Catholic French people intent on converting the natives to Christianity, Montreal in the nineteenth century had become the largest city in British North America and the industrial heart of the Canadian economy. Loss of manufacturing jobs and the emergence of a service economy brought profound changes to the urban landscape in the twentieth century. L’Autre Montréal’s tour offers an opportunity to discover the history and geography of the city’s development: Old Montreal and the St. Lawrence river, key elements of Montreal’s identity; the downtown core and its transformations; affluent neighbourhoods on the slopes of Mount Royal, and old working-class districts on the banks of the Lachine Canal. Current issues of urban planning are explored in a rapidly changing environment, and grass-roots organizations active in areas such as health, housing, adult literacy and community economic development are presented.
Presentation in English.
Bus Tour.
Organization : L’Autre Montréal
Fees: 38$ + taxes

Mon statut pour la session


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