Spécificité et transversalité des approches biographiques et narratives : enjeux disciplinaires, universitaires et sociopolitiques.
My Session Status
This round table will show the specificity of the main biographical and narrative approaches and their converging points. The birth of each current in its social and institutional context, the significant stages of its development, located in what is known as the rise of narrative approaches in the West and elsewhere (the "narrative turn"), will be discussed. Each current is further distinguished by the paradigm(s) to which it refers, by the theories solicited or generated specifically by the emergence of the current. In addition, issues may emerge around the place given to individual/collective dialectics, temporality, the production of meaning, forms of narrative (oral/written). Finally, this conference raises the heuristic scope of a dialectical articulation between three main purposes of these practices, namely the production of knowledge, training and intervention.