May 24, 2021, 8:30 AM - June 4, 2021, 5:15 PM EDT
Montréal, Québec, Canada

The majority of the talks presented during the ISC 2021 Summer School - Cognitive Challenges of Climate Change are now available on our YouTube channel.
A great opportunity to watch or rewatch the lecture of major international experts on climate change!
Here is the link to access the ISC 2021 Summer School playlist:
Thank you for your participation!
For more information about the ISC activities, including our next ISC Summer School in 2023, visit the ISC website at
We are delighted to announce that the ISC 2021 Summer School - Cognitive Challenges of Climate Change will be held online from May 24 to June 4, 2021.
Why should cognitive sciences get involved in climate science? Recent history has made the computer the primary tool in climate science, enabling researchers to produce increasingly complex models of general circulation which are better integrated into systemic approaches. These integrated models help identify the impacts of climate change, economic responses, and policy scenarios. But climate science seems to be caught up in a paradigm of computation, which the evolution of cognitive sciences towards interpretation and situated cognition allows us to question. Cognitive sciences are no longer defined as a science of information processing, but as humanities, social and behavioral science of cognition between humans and their social and physical environment.
The main objective of this ISC Summer School is to put the human at the heart of climate science. This is the challenge addressed by behavioral scientists who seek to contribute to climate models and create a social climate science to study our interactions, perceptions, reasoning and actions in this period of awareness, transition and implementation of mitigation and adaptation policies.
By reflecting on the cognitive challenges of climate change, the ISC 2021 Summer School aims to think beyond the disciplinary boundaries to expand knowledge on climate issues. A unique international and transdisciplinary virtual event bringing together more than 35 specialists to help understand how to mobilize globally, in particular through the carbon market, against emissions causing the greenhouse effect or to decarbonize our practices and our tools in a distributed and decentralized way.