Felicia Söderqvist
Profile as a PhD student in history at Luleå University of Technology, I research the heritagization of hydropower in a comparative research project of Akkats and Laholm hydropower stations. I have a bachelor background in history and social and cultural analysis at Linköping University and a master’s in environmental history at Uppsala University, both in Sweden. Throughout my education, perceptions of energy technologies have been the core focus. I have experiences working within the museum sector as a guide on the subject of industrial heritage and as a research assistant on the topic of sociotechnical perspectives on energy at Chalmer’s University of Technology. Hydropower produces a major part of Sweden’s electrical energy, and hydropower companies today play a major role in the characterisation of hydropower as national and local industrial heritages. Professor Dag Avango, CO-PI of the Nordic centre of excellence REXSAC – the centre of Resource Extraction and Sustainable Arctic Communities – is my main supervisor for my current research project. Education • Bachelor in History – Linköping University (Sweden) (August 2012 – June 2015). • Bachelor in Social and Cultural Analysis – Linköping University (Sweden) (August 2015 – June 2017). • Master in Global Environmental History - Uppsala University (Sweden) (August 2017 – June 2019). • PhD in history at Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) (February 2020 – ongoing) Experience • Emåns Ekomusuem, Bodafors (Sweden) - worked as a guide, informing visitors about the relationship between industrial society and nature alongside Emån River (a Swedish river famous for its biodiversity). (2018-06-25 – 2018-08-19)(2019-06-25 – 2019-08-18) • Project assistant at Chalmer’s University of Technology (Department of Science, Technology and Society - STS); providing proposals and instructions (a Task) for how the International Energy Agency (IEA) can incorporate socio-technical perspectives with a focus on gender. (2019-08-18 – 2020-01-31)