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"Meet the author" from DePOT

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12:30 PM, martes 30 ago 2022 (1 hour)
Lunch   12:30 PM to 01:30 PM (1 hour)
UQAM, pavillon J.-A. De Sève (DS) - DS Main Hall; DePOT table

During this lunch break, you can come and discuss with the author about his most recent book.

This is happening at the DePOT Table in the main hall of the conference. DePOT refers to the group "Deindustrialization and the Politics or our Time"; DePOT examines the historical roots and lived experience of deindustrialisation as well as the political responses to it. It is a SSHRC Partnership project consisting of 33 partner organizations and 24 co-applicants and collaborators from six countries in Western Europe and North America. TICCIH is one of these partners.

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