Jennifer Carter est directrice des Études supérieures en muséologie, ainsi que professeure en Nouvelles muséologies, patrimoines immatériels et objets culturels au Département d’histoire de l’art, à l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Muséologue et historienne de l'art et de l'architecture, elle est titulaire d'un doctorat en histoire et théorie de l'architecture de l'Université McGill, d'une maîtrise en histoire de l'art (School of the Art Institute of Chicago), et d'un baccalauréat (Honours) en histoire de l'art de l'Université McGill. Elle a travaillé au sein des musées et archives au Canada, notamment au Centre Canadien d'Architecture à Montréal, au Musée des Beaux-Arts de l'Ontario à Toronto, et au Canadian Architecture Collection à l’Université McGill, Montréal. À titre de commissaire, elle a co-organisé les expositions Drawing from Ideas, Building from Books : Architectural Treatises in the McGill University Library, Women and Homelessness, et Safdie's Sixties: Looking Forward to Looking Back. Elle a été professeure en Museum Studies à la Faculté de l'Information à l'Université de Toronto de 2008 à 2011 avant de se joindre au Département d'histoire de l'art à l'UQÀM. Ses recherches s’orientent selon deux axes principaux : sur la relation du musée, la défense des droits et de la justice sociale (subventionnées par le CRSH + FRQSC), ainsi que sur les relations entre la représentation, l'architecture des musées et l’expographie. Elle a rédigé et co-rédigé des articles en français et en anglais dans des livres et revues internationaux, notamment National Museums : New Studies from Around the World, Chora : Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture, MediaTropes, Museum Management and Curatorship, Information Research, Curator, et 14 Arguments in Favour of Human Rights Institutions. Elle est rédactrice associée de la revue internationale, Museum Management and Curatorship, publiée par Routledge / Taylor and Francis au Royaume-Uni. Elle rédige actuellement le manuscrit Museums in a culture of human rights: New museums around the globe pour la maison d’édition Ashgate au Royaume-Uni.
Jennifer Carter is Director of the graduate museology program at the Université du Québec à Montréal, where she is also professor of New museologies, intangible heritage and cultural objects in the Department of Art History. Museologist and art historian, she has held positions in diverse Canadian cultural institutions, including the Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montréal) and the Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto). Jennifer’s praxis consists of teaching and research in the areas of museology, representation, expology and architecture. She considers how these practices mediate, and are mediated by, the cultural institutions that frame them. A more recent SSHRC- and FRQSC-funded research project takes up the emergent phenomenon of human rights museology, and considers how social justice and human rights are negotiated curatorially, pedagogically, and semantically in cultural institutions dedicated to human rights in Asia, North America and South America. Jennifer has authored and co-authored essays in English and French in international and peer-reviewed journals such as Information Research (2013); Musées (May 2013); Museum Management and Curatorship (2013; with J. Orange, May 2012); MediaTropes (2012); Curator (with J. Orange, 2012); and in book chapters in The Idea of a Human Rights Museum (forthcoming); 14 Arguments in favour of human rights institutions (with J. Orange, 2014); National Museums: New studies from around the world (Routledge, 2011) and Chora Five: Intervals in the philosophy of architecture (2007). In 2013, Jennifer was appointed Associate Editor of the international journal Museum Management and Curatorship, published by Taylor and Francis / Routledge in the U.K.
Jennifer Carter is Director of the graduate museology program at the Université du Québec à Montréal, where she is also professor of New museologies, intangible heritage and cultural objects in the Department of Art History. Museologist and art historian, she has held positions in diverse Canadian cultural institutions, including the Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montréal) and the Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto). Jennifer’s praxis consists of teaching and research in the areas of museology, representation, expology and architecture. She considers how these practices mediate, and are mediated by, the cultural institutions that frame them. A more recent SSHRC- and FRQSC-funded research project takes up the emergent phenomenon of human rights museology, and considers how social justice and human rights are negotiated curatorially, pedagogically, and semantically in cultural institutions dedicated to human rights in Asia, North America and South America. Jennifer has authored and co-authored essays in English and French in international and peer-reviewed journals such as Information Research (2013); Musées (May 2013); Museum Management and Curatorship (2013; with J. Orange, May 2012); MediaTropes (2012); Curator (with J. Orange, 2012); and in book chapters in The Idea of a Human Rights Museum (forthcoming); 14 Arguments in favour of human rights institutions (with J. Orange, 2014); National Museums: New studies from around the world (Routledge, 2011) and Chora Five: Intervals in the philosophy of architecture (2007). In 2013, Jennifer was appointed Associate Editor of the international journal Museum Management and Curatorship, published by Taylor and Francis / Routledge in the U.K.
Sessions auxquelles Prof. Jennifer Carter participe
Samedi 4 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Mardi 7 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Museums and Historical Consciousness: Emergent Themes in Theory and Practice
15:30 -
17:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Sessions auxquelles Prof. Jennifer Carter assiste
Vendredi 3 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Opening Ceremony and Cocktail
17:00 -
19:30 |
2 heures 30 minutes
Samedi 4 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Dimanche 5 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Lundi 6 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Mercredi 8 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)