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Seif Malhas

He, They

PhD in Geography, Student
University of Waterloo
Participe à 2 sessions

I’m a multi-disciplinary urbanist and a human geography PhD student, specialising in queer geography and urban justice. My research interests include sexuality and space, urban inequalities and modernist heritage. Currently, my research is investigating the geographies of queer Arab newcomers in Toronto, their sexuality and their relationship to the city.


Sessions auxquelles Seif Malhas participe

Lundi 8 Mai, 2023

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
13:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes

Session organizers:Dr. Galina Scolnic, University of Windsor, OntarioDr. Hulya Arik, University of TorontoThis panel consists of papers on Muslims/Islam in lived everyday contexts and cultural realms. We aim to expand the academic literature on geographies of Islam and Muslims in areas such as daily affective encounters, cultural and creative production, spatial configurations of I...

15:30 EDT - 17:00 EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes

SESSION 2: Everyday and cultural geographies of Islam/Muslims: Queering Affect1. Arabs Queering Toronto: Queer Arab Newcomers Claiming and Queering Spaces in their new homeSaif Malhas, PhD Candidate, Geography Department, University of Waterloo                                    &nbs...