Sessions auxquelles Gintare Kudzmaite participe
Jeudi 11 Mai, 2023
Sessions auxquelles Gintare Kudzmaite assiste
Lundi 8 Mai, 2023
N'oubliez pas d'apporter votre tasse réutilisable.Les pauses auront lieu dans la salle polyvalente (SH-4800).Du café et des viennoiseries vous sont offerts tout au long de la journée (jusqu'à épuisement des stocks !)
(Im)migrants undergo significant transitions when settling in Canada and especially when they are searching for housing. The main aim of this session is to examine the housing experiences of (im)migrants (including permanent residents, refugees, temporary migrants, and international students) from an intersectional perspective with a particular interest in the role of class and visible minority identity. Specifically, we are interested in...
Mardi 9 Mai, 2023
Le géographe, le territoire, la forêt (titre provisoire)
Le diner est libre et non inclus dans les frais d'inscription. Consulter cette page pour plus d'information.
Mercredi 10 Mai, 2023
par Michel Lamothe, ProfesseurDirecteur du laboratoire de luminescence LuxUniversité du Québec à Montréal
- (Re)Imagining Education in Place: Navigating (Non)Relationality and Teaching Responsibilities Under Settler-Colonial Conditions
- Youth and Climate Justice: Representations of Young People in Action for Sustainable Futures
- Do neighbourhoods influence the readiness for school among kindergarten children in Hamilton, Ontario? A fixed effects analysis
- A Quantitative Analysis of Visual Features in Neighbourhoods and Greenspaces and Early Childhood Development in Hamilton, Ontario
Le diner est libre et non inclus dans les frais d'inscription. Consulter cette page pour plus d'information.
Jeudi 11 Mai, 2023
- Climate Migrants, and the Impact of COVID-19: An Analysis of Canadian Immigration Policy
- Conducting Effective Community Engagement with Newcomers across Canada: A Scoping Review
- Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychosocial health and well-being of older adults in Uganda.
- The Dynamics of Stigma and Labelling of Immigrant Personal Support Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from Windsor, Ontario
Le diner est libre et non inclus dans les frais d'inscription. Consulter cette page pour plus d'information.
- The EU’s rhetoric on climate mobility: Bridging the New Pact and the Green Deal
- The support networks of immigrants in Canada: a multilevel multinomial analysis of emotional and instrumental support among recent immigrants
- Climate change-(im)mobility nexus: Perspectives of voluntary non-migrants from three coastal communities in Ghana
- COVID-19 brought the water struggles in Ghana into our homes in Canada: collective emotions and WaSH struggles in distant locations during health emergencies
- Insights from Uganda and Ethiopia: Lessons learned by non-profit staff while caring for older adults amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
- Archives, care, and geography: archival research as care praxis