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Relationships humans-nature and resistance

Mon statut pour la session

15:30, Lundi 8 Mai 2023 EDT (1 heure 30 minutes)

Sous sessions

15:30 EDT - 16:00 EDT | 30 minutes

Conflicts about environmental jurisdiction are a common feature in Canada, where the authority to regulate environmental issues is shared among federal, provincial, territorial, and Indigenous governments. Impact assessments - planning tools to inform decisions about proposed industrial projects – are vulnerable to such conflicts, particularly as new legal instruments and collective rights come to the fore.  Drawing insight...

Hunter Yaworski

16:00 EDT - 16:30 EDT | 30 minutes

Scholarly attention on place attachment has increased significantly over the past years. Most of these studies focus on experiences from the Global North. In the Global south context, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, there is very limited empirical studies on place attachment despite the influence of different residential environments (e.g., neighbourhoods) on people’s lived experiences. Slums/informal settlements provide alternative housing options for urban poor...

Akosua Asare

16:30 EDT - 17:00 EDT | 30 minutes

Historical appraisal of gasoline stations has previously been limited primarily to their growing association with Big Oil in the twentieth century. Research emphasis has included: branding, architecture, place-product packaging, and the attrition of small independent operators, a withering which reached a crescendo in the 1970s. The middle ground of multiple station independent ownership in regional or metropolitan settings remains largely unexpl...

Mon statut pour la session


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