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Food Security

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13:30, Mardi 9 Mai 2023 EDT (1 heure 30 minutes)
Pause café - SH-4800   03:00 PM à 03:30 PM (30 minutes)

Sous sessions

13:30 EDT - 13:50 EDT | 20 minutes

Labour regime analysis has evolved to examine the multitude of actors and institutions that shape processes of employment, exploitation, discipline and resistance. Social reproduction, both daily and intergenerational, is an explicit part of the labour regime, but reproduction does much more than simply socializing, supporting and supplying the labour force. As Baglioni (2022: 448) points out, the home “is simultaneously a core si...

Philip Kelly

13:50 EDT - 14:10 EDT | 20 minutes

Subsistence agriculture, a centuries-old practice, is the main occupation and the major source of livelihood for people of the Uttarakhand Himalaya. Here, agriculture is rain-fed, practiced on the fragmented and narrow patches of the terraced field with a low output. The crop production is fully dependent on the monsoon rain. In the past, it was considered as subsistence to feed the farming community; however, with the high population growth, the...

Vishwambhar Prasad Sati

14:10 EDT - 14:30 EDT | 20 minutes

Ghanaians, like other Africans in global dispersion, do not sever ties with their country of origin, Ghana, but instead maintain familial ties in multistranded ways. Some studies demonstrate how these ties are interwoven into the daily lives of Ghanaian immigrants in Canada. This paper contributes to the broader literature by demonstrating how Ghanaians use innate culture to (re)negotiate their identification in Toronto. A visible minority group in Canada whose experiences are often catego...

Desmond Ofori Oklikah

14:30 EDT - 14:50 EDT | 20 minutes

Motivation: Governments use the concept of food security to evaluate the availability of and access to sufficient, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food in a specific population. Food justice scholars, however, stress that food production and provisioning, and thus health, are inherently political, resulting from and intertwined with historical, political, and economic forces. In policy, however, these complex dynamics are often siphoned into ministerial silos and treated as s...

Marylynn Steckley


Mon statut pour la session


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