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Gender and feminist

Mon statut pour la session

13:30, Mercredi 10 Mai 2023 EDT (1 heure 30 minutes)
Pause café - SH-4800   03:00 PM à 03:30 PM (30 minutes)

Sous sessions

13:30 EDT - 14:00 EDT | 30 minutes

This paper emerges from my work as a community mobilizer, reproductive justice advocate, creative educator, and early-career researcher who also identifies as a South Asian/Punjabi woman. It offers preliminary insights from my ongoing doctoral work that seeks to explore and unpack the feminist political geographies of sexual and reproductive control and justice in ‘Punjabi Canada’. In this paper, I introduce my early conceptualization of institutional sexual & reproductive control as a...

Amrita Kumar-Ratta

14:00 EDT - 14:30 EDT | 30 minutes

Period poverty is a sincere concern where women experience social stigma, health issues and lack of access to sanitary products due to financial constraints. According to World Bank (2022), globally, 500 million women and girls experience period poverty, in Bangladesh the number is 78.4 million on SNV report in2021. Bangladesh is one of the topmost vulnerable countries to climate change, and approximately 23 million women lives in the disaster-prone area (World Bank, 2013). According to Ad...

Md Saidur Rashid Sumon

14:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT | 30 minutes

Social reproduction has been a concern of Marxist feminist theorists and geographers for decades. In the most basic terms, social reproduction refers to the paid and unpaid labour that reproduces daily and intergenerational life within a social formation. Indigenous and anti-colonial scholars have demonstrated that social reproduction and the “domestic sphere” are also key spaces in which colonial relations are re/produced both through gendered-racialized strategie...

Liam Fox


Mon statut pour la session


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