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Transformations territoriales du local au global - Partie 2

Mon statut pour la session

13:30, Mercredi 10 Mai 2023 EDT (1 heure 30 minutes)
Pause café - SH-4800   03:00 PM à 03:30 PM (30 minutes)

Sous sessions

14:00 EDT - 14:30 EDT | 30 minutes

This presentation provides a candid and collaborative reflection of some of the Indigenous (Salish) teachings, laws and protocols that denote a relational ecology within an expansive territory-of-life, a territorial vision of living well in times of the Anthropocene. With salmon and their migratory cycle as our guiding metaphor for research on the (re-)creation of the ‘good life’, we will reflect upon some fundamental teachings from the land by three preeminent Sal...

Sarah Moritz

14:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT | 30 minutes

The relationship of communities with the landscapes they inhabit and the influence of this relationship on culture, identity, and knowledge systems have been studied in depth in the field of cultural geography. This relationship tends to be particularly poignant for rural communities for whom the natural environment is perceived as more inextricably interconnected with their livelihoods. Creativity has also been studied as an expression of identi...

Mery Angeles Perez

14:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT | 30 minutes

Background This study analyzes and explains the variables associated with traditional medicine (TM) use in the Upper West Region of Ghana using the Andersen model. Low- and middle- income countries (LMICs) are the most rapidly expanding in the world, leading to concerns about how population health profiles are changing. Scholars point to the general gap of research on TM use in LMICs as a challenge to understanding the population health needs of vulnerable groups in such s...

Lily Ziyue Zhang


Mon statut pour la session


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