Keynote Talks Recordings
As promised, all NELS keynote and preconference talks are now accessible online! The recordings are hosted on UQAM's servers and can be accessed with the following links:
- Michal Starke - UM – Universal Morphology
- Lisa Levinson - The processing correlates of verb argument structures
- Will Oxford - Elsewhere morphology and alignment variation: Evidence from Algonquian
- Nancy Kula - Iterativity in morphophonological nasal induced tonal lowering: Voicing, Nasality, and Low tone in Element Theory
Satellite Event
- Will Oxford - Things you need to know about Algonquian morphosyntax
Relevant information can be found on both the brightly colored version of the PDF programme or the colorless version. Abstracts, slides and handouts for the talks are thesaurized here.