RNDr. Pavel Bednar PhD.
Pavel Bednář is an assistant professor and head at the Department of Regional Development, Public Sector Administration and Law, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics. He received his PhD in human geography and regional development at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science. His current research focuses on cultural and creative industries, and co-working spaces mapping using spatial econometric techniques, and mapping clusters and cluster tailored policies in the Visegrád group countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) and their urban and regional socio-economic determinants. He is a member of the Czech Geographical Society and National Geographical Committee. He received experiences with both international and national applied research projects (Interreg, Visegrád Funds, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic).
Currently, he participates as a Vice-chair in the COST project CA18214 ‘The geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery’ (2019-2023), research funded by Horizon 2020 which involved 29 countries and 90 research partners; and as a main investigator in the project subsidized by the national supporting programme for COST in the Czech Republic – INTER-COST-INTER-EXCELENCE LTC20047 ‘Regional development and public policy under creative economy: Mapping, knowledge sharing and management of New Working Spaces in the Czech Republic’.