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From the Authorised Heritage Discourse to insurgent planning: toward the conceptualization of insurgent heritage in Latin America

reconceptualizationpublic policies
10:00 AM, Dimanche 15 Déc 2019 (30 minutes)
Pause   10:30 AM à 11:00 AM (30 minutes)
The Australian National University - Room 3.02

This paper examines how alternative heritage discourses and practices are produced in marginalized communities in Chile. Focusing on three heritage sites, the author will explore how people subjected to the governance of authorized heritage are also active agents that use heritage in multiple ways. Through their memorialization and preservation practices, they destabilize the normalized relations between communities and cultural authorities, exercising their right to citizenship and inclusion, thus broadening the understandings of heritage at multiple levels. Building on the concepts of "insurgent citizenship" and "insurgent planning" this paper will articulate the notion of "insurgent heritage," a concept that aims to explain how grassroots groups are framing their demands within a citizenship discourse, and to understand the strategies and actions that they are using to contest established canons in heritage definition and production.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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